MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!

Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!

SemiAnimus slapped Samoanjoe across the face! The balls on this guy!

Samoanjoe Comes back with a knee straight in the thigh. Ouch! That must hurt!!

Kowalski steps in to try to stop the fight only to get hit by a chair behind the head! Who could attack him like that!?! When he turns around to look, he gets meet by a kick right in the balls! Good grief!!!

It’s Stratego! No!!! Now she has her whip out and unleashing on Samoanjoe as he is wrestling SemiAnimus on the ground!

Wait, what is that yellow stuff??

DB is in a corner spraying the fighters with mustard in a water gun!?!? What is going on!? Look at the evil grin on his face!!

What will happen next????


As usual, Kowalski the Peace Maker, tries to slow it all down with a mellow jam:


db isn't going to like you mentioning his name.


He already hates me so I couldn’t care less what he likes or doesn’t like.


Join the club. It's a long list of people he hates which he claims isn't a long list.


Now Stonekeeper has jumped in and is tickling everyone! He’s out of control.


Now Shogun is hitting people with his pillow while Bloodshot throws pies at everyone. Melton has entered the ring and is pinching Stonekeeper while Blade gives him a wedgie.


I could see Melton and Blade doing a tag team.

Signed, million man.


I go raiding for a few days and my kingdom turn to chaos. Simmer down my subjects.


Andyking is trying to get everyone to stop fighting and hug it out, but 123Guy starts biting him! It’s madness! Brand New Poster has stripped naked and is singing and dancing for some reason! That guy is crazy 🤪



Things are getting crazy heated over here!!


When you said yellow stuff, mustard in a water gun was not the first thing that came to mind.


I had the same thought.

Signed, million man.


Like minds and all that jazz...


Hum, interesting! Maybe it’s NOT mustard… it wouldn’t surprise me considering DB..
