MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you have a bicycle?

Do you have a bicycle?

If so, what kind is it, and how often do you ride it?

I have two BMXs. One is based around a 1984 Univega Pathfinder frame that I built into a complete bike in 1997 and the other is based around a 1984 Mongoose Californian frame/fork set that I built into a complete bike in 2020:


I just ride them (usually the Mongoose now, since that's what I really wanted, but never got, when I was a kid) up and down my street (I own the house I grew up in so it's the same street I learned to ride a bike on in 1982), around town, and sometimes on the old railroad tracks that they tore up in the 1990s and turned into a "recreational trail" for bikes, motorcycles, ATVs, horses, snowmobiles, etc.

A BMX, especially a 1980s one, is far from the ideal bike for me from a practical perspective, since I'm 6' 2", ~190 pounds, which means I can't have the seat and handlebars at the proper height for me without making it look like something other than a BMX (and ridiculous to boot), and I can't be particularly rough on it because even the best '80s BMXs were weak compared to modern ones, especially the 1" threaded headsets / quill stems that were standard on all bikes back then. But '80s BMXs are the only kind of bikes that really interest me, so that's what I have. It's mainly a nostalgia thing.


I’ve got an e-bike. It’s pretty dang nice. I only live about a mile from work so I ride pretty frequently, but I’m definitely a fair weather rider. A lot lately.


My brother has two of them and we did a ride around a big lake once… with micro doses of shrooms!! Was a blast!! 😃


Yes, I'm 61 and just had my bike all fixed up to start riding it after 20+ years. Cost me $125 for 2 new intertubes, lights, and everything checked and greased. Still a beautiful bike. It's a Shwinn Criss Cross that I bought years ago.
Just had hernia surgery so as soon as I'm good I'm going to start riding daily. Quit smoking Feb 2023 and I'm down 37 pounds. (318-281). Decided I want to live until my 70's at least, lol. Plan on getting to at least 225 lb. by next summer.


I got a mountain bike I ride for exercise. I'd like to get an e-bike. I like road bikes but never got one, I think they look cool though with their drop bars.


I think our family had one, but it was one of my siblings'. Personally I never really learned how to ride a bike.


What decade did you grow up in? I grew up in the '80s and I've never met anyone my age or older who never learned to ride a bike. I have heard that bike riding is less common with the younger generations though. My neighbor is about three years younger than me. He has several kids who are all still minors and living at home, and he said none of them ever had any interest at all in learning to ride a bike, and he had to coax them into it. That seems incredibly bizarre to me.


I was born in 1986, so I'm mainly a 90s kid.

I guess one other factor to not learning to ride a bike is that I'm a city guy.
