MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ahem…Why Disney+ Is A Slut & I Hope To S...

Ahem…Why Disney+ Is A Slut & I Hope To Say Good Riddance Someday!

The following is listed about DEADPOOL 2 which is in Disney+ repertoire:

” 87 uses of "fuck", 29 uses of "shit", 5 uses of "hell", 10 uses of "ass", 1 use of "bastard", 6 uses of "goddamn", 1 use of "damn", 4 uses of "son of a bitch", 2 uses of "bitch", 7 uses of "Jesus Christ", 4 uses of "Jesus", 1 use of "Christ", 13 uses of "dick", 1 use of "pussies", 4 uses of "cock", 1 use of "douche", 1 use of "douchebag", 2 uses of "cunt".”

Just your everyday FAMILY FRIENDLY viewing. The scriptwriters are bereft of a FAMILY FRIENDLY lexicon. 🙇🏼‍♀️ It would tax their brains to attempt to be more intelligent when writing a script.


No use of the word wank though ☹️

Seriously though, Deadpool was never intended for children.


Regardless of what you think of Disney as a company, they do have settings for each profile where you can limit what one can watch. So if that's something that you don't want to see, nor your children you can just lower the rating of what is shown, and it won't even turn up when you search for it.


My wife and I have unrestricted access. My daughter has the children’s setting for her login. Same with all our streaming services.


Wan King, we shouldn’t to do that with Disney+. Disney has always been a safe place in which to retreat.


The point I was making is Disney has always professed to be “FAMILY FRIENDLY”. Many people are unaware of the change to include very adult fare on Disney+. Disney+ is the babysitter for thousands of kids just as “Sesame Street” was for my kids.

All of the R-Plus rated movies are available on other streaming channels. Can we not have one channel which is safe for kids and doesn’t make many adults wince?


But Disney also owns several other companies, and if they can have that content only on their service, then people will subscribe.

Again, you can filter all the adult stuff out, even for you.


I replied to another poster it filters too much. It put me in the same viewing I had set for my grandkids, so I did a search for a filtering app. I pay for VidAngel and it has a multitude of options. Not all streaming services are paired with it.

Query: How were some of the greatest movies ever produced in bygone years…without the profanity and gratuitous sex? It takes intelligence to have discourse without profanity.


I guess if you don't want to use the filters, just don't watch it?

I understand that the perception of Disney is family friendly. I have a lot to say about the content on the service as there were so many great, made for tv movies which aired on the Wonderful World of Disney that aren't streaming. Where is a Far Off Place??? Which was Disney/ Amblin.

I do think that from a business standpoint, if Disney had a different streaming service for their Fox, and Marvel content, none of those would stay sustainable.


Don’t mention the fact that Family Guy is on there too 🤫


It's the only place I can watch American Horror Story without cable.


Fuck that shit, those damn bastards!


farging bastages


They can all suck a lollipop and go kiss a baby!




The association of the Disney brand with children's and family entertainment has been a long-standing issue for them. It's why they created Touchstone Pictures back in the day, so that they could put out entertainment aimed at older viewers without impacting their core brand.

And, of course, these days they own the Fox catalogue, and have several other subsidiaries that produce content that is not necessarily family friendly.

Strictly-speaking, Deadpool 2 isn't a Disney movie. It's a Marvel Entertainment movie that was distributed by 20th Century Fox. But since Disney owns both Marvel Entertainment and 20th Century Fox, it's really about branding.

Obviously, that's also a problem of perception with their streaming service -- because Disney is right there in its name. But while The Walt Disney Company is a children's and family entertainment company, not everything else they own is.


This does cause a problem for viewers. I’ve enjoyed MCU’s “The Avengers” saga and purchased the set. If movies and programs are Marvel why not produce them so the whole family can view them?


This does cause a problem for viewers.

But it's only a problem of perception. There's no obviously good reason Marvel or Fox or any of the other companies that nowadays fall under the Disney umbrella should produce exclusively family friendly material. It's important that people are aware what they're watching though. Rating systems are the main part of that.

If Disney+ provides parental controls / filtering, I don't really see why it's an issue.


All I’m asking is for these types of movies to be shown elsewhere…not on Disney+. I’m not asking movie studios, but I wish they would, to produce exclusively family friendly material. Some may think “The Avengers” are not family friendly. I disagree. I would view those with young kids. It’s the profanity and gratuitous sex which appalls me.


Well, they're going to be shown on Disney+ because Disney+ is not the streaming service exclusively of The Walt Disney Company but also its subsidiaries and acquisitions.

From their point of view, Disney+ being exclusively family friendly would limit its audience and force them to licence titles they own to competitors.

Although I do accept it's a rod they've made for their own backs by being so associated with children's and family stuff for the best part of a century and then relying on that brand to start a streaming service.


Don’t mention the fact that Family Guy is on there too 🤫


I only subscribed to Disney+ briefly on a trial offer. And I did it to watch Poor Things. Disclaimer: I do not recommend Poor Things to children or families.


Someone thought a Deadpool movie was supposed to be kid friendly?


No! I’m complaining because it’s on Disney+. It can be shown elsewhere, but as another poster stated, in so many words, Disney has people by the gonads just as Amazon does.


How about parents control what their kids watch?

I know it's a out there fringe concept but it might work.


Sometimes it’s easier said than done. Working, or not, parents with more than 1 kid have always felt Disney was a safe option. Many probably still do not realize Disney+ has changed its programming format. I for one do not enjoy movies/programs where profanity is used excessively. OK, I set the filter. Good Grief! It was too filtered so I changed it back to unrestricted.

BTW, I purchased the VidAngel app. I can choose what filters to use. Trouble is not every streaming service is paired with VidAngel.


You rely on the stream to babysit and you get what you get.


I agree, but it’s a fact especially when there are working people in the household who are busy in the mornings. Or when there are less than ideal parenting in the home.


Coloring book and crayons.


Or Legos.




just by the blu ray its cheaper


Too bad the world doesn't bend to YOUR expectations.
There is no such thing as a safe space.
Time for you to grow and advance and learn to use filters.

I wish life was rainbows and unicorns too.... it just isn't.
Learn to cope instead of cry.

I do understand your point, but it doesn't matter.


It would behoove you to read throughly posters replies. I’ve made several comments regarding the use of filters. Btw, your first and last sentence are in opposition to each other. You chide me firstly, then lastly you somewhat agree with me.


my methodology is more effective in that order. first, pointing out your expecting specific outcomes unrealistically. second, I fully understand where disney USED TO BE family friendly, I really do. but, yes, they have expanded.


Sad to say my “…expecting specific outcomes unrealistically” is very true. It’s only going to worsen and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it! 😡
