MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Full body deodorant

Full body deodorant

Good idea or unnecessary?

Not a week goes by that I don't see at least one advertisement for it and it's kind of insulting! I'm all for using it in armpits and I always have but it feels like they're passing judgment on the rest of my parts.


It seems to be a thing the last couple of years with those Old spice, Lume & Secret commercials. Most of my moisture is in the pits, foot & groin areas so they may be onto something.


Just the armpits please


Seems unnecessary if a person showers and shampoos everyday. Wear clean clothes as well.

I understand the pits if you require it. Some people do.


[Insert joke about the French here]


One day, a clean-shaven, Frenchman of pleasant odor was walking down a country road. Out from the forest came a band of cutpurses and vagabonds intent on robbing Frenchie. But the Frenchman bravely stood his ground and fought off the would-be highwaymen.



And to clarify I believe it should be a personal choice and if it makes someone feel better about themselves or they honestly have unpleasant odor that would benefit from full body deodorant, even despite regular bathing, then go for it. I don't mean to imply there should be any shame in using it.

I guess my thought though is that I'm aware certain body parts have scents, but do all scents need to be covered up?


I noticed the ad blitz on YouTube for Old Spice "from pits to toes" all body deodorant. I say unnecessary--if you want to add something to your routine besides underarm deodorant, try aftershave or cologne. If you have a problem with your feet, use foot powder.

I will also pass on the following advice -




They wont make money on deodorant in Asia. 99% of asians dont need deodorant. In fact you have trouble finding any stores that carry deodorant in Asia.


I read/heard something many many moons ago that humans become addicted to deodorants - that is, if they use them regularly, they need them daily. If you never use them, your stank factor is far lower than a person who uses deodorants daily and doesn't for a any given day.

A friend of mine never uses deodorant and he doesn't smell.

I don't think deodorants became common in the Western world until the mid 20t century - did Westerners all smell and we just didn't know it because everyone did?


Nah! Humans stink.

People used talcum powder, perfume, essential oils, baking powder, different plants, etc. before deodorant.

Your friend may be lying, bathes a lot or is unique.


He showers every day, but I don't know why he'd lie about not using deodorant.

But yeah, humans stink. I wonder if our "aroma" was a defense mechanism going back to pre-historic times - a predator might have to be really really hungry to eat a human that never took a bath.
