MovieChat Forums > fourlemons

fourlemons (389)


Methods of Ascension I was an Atari-less child MC Is message boarding a hobby? The Rocky Horror Picture Show Too much for a 9th grader? The scariest monster of all 😳 When the Commodores said she was three times a lady Sweet and savory View all posts >


I'm beginning to think this is a message board of extreme adventurers rather than lovers of movies! And whoever planned out that mall was smart. A trauma center next to an escalator cannot be a bad idea. Now you're just showing off. 😁😉 They are kind of like one of the high thrill rides at DisneyWorld. Malls should consider putting a height chart next to them, like at theme parks where you can see if you're tall enough to ride them. Thanks! I'll take a look. I'm glad you can understand and thanks for that information. 🙂 I am familiar with exposure therapy. One piece of good news is that there are some escalators I can go up- those skinny ones that are one person wide where I can hold on on both sides- those are fine. It's just the wider ones like you find at shopping malls where I can't hold on with both hands that are terrifying. As an additional piece of information it is nearly impossible to get out of the Washington DC Metro system without taking a very tall and wide escalator. It's a wonder I'm not still down there to this day, but that's another story. 😂 So you climb escalators like stairs. Hmmm. That's going to put you in a extreme daredevil sports category of your own. I'll have to think on the exact name. It happened when I was a very young child, so young that my recollection is quite vague, but to hear my mother tell the story she was holding my baby sister in one arm and holding my hand as she went down the escalator. I don't remember if she lost her footing or what but she let go of my hand and I went tumbling part way down the escalator. She did not let go of my sister. I guess more accurately you and BNP are daredevils when it is convenient. 😁 I don't think I've ever found any money on the street except for maybe a penny and I only picked it up if it was heads up, which supposedly means good luck. 😁 Yes the ones in the mall, or really anywhere. 😁 Since I didn't have an Atari I didn't play video games that much myself although I did enjoy them when I had the rare opportunity. I spent a lot of time playing outside though and I'm sure my life was enriched because of it. Nice chatting with you too! 😊 View all replies >