MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Methods of Ascension

Methods of Ascension

You are on the first floor of the mall and you need to get to a store on the second floor. How do you get up there?

A. Stairs
B. Elevator
C. Escalator
D. Whichever is closest

If you chose A, B, or sometimes D, that makes sense.

If you chose C, who are you? Evel Knievel?

Pertinent historical fact: I was dropped on an escalator as a child.


I almost always take the stairs if I can find them. A lot of malls around here only have escalators, or a hidden elevator.


Imagine having never seen an escalator before: -


They are kind of like one of the high thrill rides at DisneyWorld. Malls should consider putting a height chart next to them, like at theme parks where you can see if you're tall enough to ride them.


Escalators are fun.


Now you're just showing off.



C. Escalator -- exclusively, unless if they are way too far away, I'd begrudgingly choose the stairs.

When I was a child, my cousin of the same age sliced her hand on an escalator, but there was a clinic at the top level right next to said escalator.


I'm beginning to think this is a message board of extreme adventurers rather than lovers of movies!

And whoever planned out that mall was smart. A trauma center next to an escalator cannot be a bad idea.
