MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is the biggest amount of money

What is the biggest amount of money

you found on the street? I am not sure but I think €20.


I don't think I've ever found any money on the street except for maybe a penny and I only picked it up if it was heads up, which supposedly means good luck. 😁




I've found $20 and lost $50.


Well done!!


I think $5. Once when I was around 7 years old, and again about 10 years ago.



I promptly used it to buy a Nintendo 2DS to play Galaxian.


True story, I saw a $20 bill on the floor of a mall, I waited around to see if anyone was looking for it, then I took it and on the other side was an ad for a local church.


I found $200 when I was a kid. I was at the market. Standing there waiting for my Grandma to finish her stuff.

I noticed some green paper that literally every passerby was stomping on.

Got curios & picked it up. Felt like I'd just won the lottery.

Shouldn't have told my Grandma cause she took it from me when we got home. 😅


As a child, I dreamt of my future.


10 cents. I gave it to my Mom.
