MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The scariest monster of all 😳

The scariest monster of all 😳

Of all the monsters you've ever seen from various horror and sci-fi movies/TV shows, which one scared you most of all? Maybe even to the point where you jumped and/or averted your eyes?

For me:
As a child: Large Marge from Pee-Wee's Great Adventure

As an adult: Nosferatu


As a child: Dracula


Yes, Dracula is a scary one. I'm a little afraid of Morgan Freeman to this day because when I was a child he occasionally played Count Dracula on a show called The Electric Company and scared the daylights out of me.


Lol. I loved The Electric Company, and Morgan Freeman on it.

Vincent Price's bits on The Hilarious House of Frightenstein, delighted me, and creeped me out when I was a child.

I can't really think of any movie monster that scared me though.


Somehow I'm not familiar with the Hilarious House of Frightenstein, but I do remember seeing Vincent Price on The Brady Bunch and hearing his voice in Thriller. That music video also scared me.

I am afraid of many things. πŸ˜‚


HHoF was a Canadian show from the early 70s. I think it did show on US tv at some point. It also had Julius Sumner Miller as "The Professor"


Wow, Morgan Freeman was on The Electric Company? I never knew that, I loved that show!




He played Easy Reader.

He had a song, "Easy Reader, that's my name...easy readin' that's my game" and I loved him as a kid. When I see him, I still think of it.


Dracula. Definitely.

Also, Alien, Cruella DeVille, The Wicked Witch of th' West, Evil Stepmothers, generally, Chuck Connors in Tourist Trap, the body snatchers, plus a few more that will come to me later.

This was an off-the-radar movie about creepy people :


I almost edited my OP yesterday to add Cruella DeVille. She was terrifying.


I saw "Alien" in a theater in 1979 (with my Father).

The alien was quite scary at the time.


That monster didn't scare me as much as some of the others. He kind of reminded me of a combination between a skeleton and a parasaurolophus. However I can see how one would find him scary and did expect him to show up in this thread. 😁


Yeah, plus you have to remember, I was a little boy at the time. The look of the alien, once you could finally see him - was very scary.

And not to mention seeing it in a theater, much different in a movie theater as opposed to viewing at home on an HDTV.

Nothing one sees now is scary. You pretty well know the monster is some computer generated effect.

"Alien" - for it's time, was totally out of the box. Especially the John Hurt scene.


I'm sure I would have been terrified if I had seen it in the theater! I didn't see that movie until I was an adult.



Yeah, I remember the entire theater gasping during the John Hurt scene.

Great work by Ridley Scott.

Ok, nice chatting with you today....

Best wishes


Nice chatting with you, too! 😊


Good pick! Hoo Boy that John Hurt scene was a PERFECT WTH?!? moment😳🀯


As a child Freddy Krueger scared me the most. Not a monster, but Zelda from Pet Sematary gave me serious nightmares for years.

As an adult those cave monsters from The Descent freaked me out like no other monster since.


Yesssss. Zelda. She's another one who scared me to death. I'm sure I couldn't even look at a picture of her to this day without wanting to close my eyes.


I know what you mean, I was way too young to watch Pet Sematary back in the day. I'm pretty sure seeing Zelda at that age gave me some sort of trauma that I'll suffer for the rest of my life :D


I'm reliably informed that as a small child, I was completely unfazed by anything on television. Almost 'Does he have some sort of issue? Should we see someone about this? Can he only see shapes and colours like a dog?' levels of unfazed.

The same was not true of real life, where I was probably scared of some really stupid things -- a vaudevillian ventriloquist's dummy that somehow lived in our house being one of them.

Anyway, having shrugged at them on TV, my parents took me to see full-sized, moving Daleks at the local shopping precinct. And if you listen closely when the wind is in the right direction, you can still hear my screams echoing around the planet.



On anonymous message boards there are people who you organically gravitate to as friends and then there are those who are actual (friendly) soulmates. I'm thinking you might actually be the latter.

If it makes you feel any better when I was a 4 year old I was afraid of 5 year olds.


Kid: From Jonny Quest, The Invisible Monster revealed

Adult: Not sure. I avoid Horror films.


I hope you will forgive my giggles at your scary Jonny Quest monster. Things do tend to hit differently as a child. I'll have to ask Mr fourlemons, a fellow huge Jonny Quest fan, if he was equally startled.




Oh how you have just transported me back to the scene of a dark cave in the favorite movie of my childhood. The G'mork was chilling, and he wasn't just terrifying because of how he looked, but because of what he stood for. Excellent, excellent answer.

"It's the emptiness that's
left. It's like a despair,
destroying this world. And I
have been trying to help it... Because people who have no
hopes are easy to control.
And whoever has control has the power."


I was pretty freaked out with Bigfoot from Million Dollar Man back in the day. His image haunted me for days.


Good gracious! I just looked him up because I had never seen him before. I'm not going to sleep tonight. πŸ˜‚


For kid me? That list is endless. I was a scaredy cat. Wasn't allowed to watch anything horror related cause I'd almost always get nightmares.

The Shark from Jaws, The Thing, The Jinn from Wishmaster, Deadites from Evil Dead & Freaking Chucky from Child's Play just to name a few.

Heck, even the theme music to The X Files gave me the heebie Jeebies!

But for adult me, It's super rare to find one that genuinely scares me. The last "monster" that truly scared me were the creatures from The Descent (2005).

Mostly cause I had NO IDEA they were gonna be in it. Cause I had not seen a trailer for it. Caught me off guard.

Excellent horror movie though.


Since multiple people have now named the monsters from The Descent I looked them up. They are very scary looking and remind me of the vampire from Midnight Mass.


Definitely check it out. It's a really well made, low budget horror film.

I'm also claustrophobic & the film did me no favors. πŸ˜†
