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MovieChat's Got Talent

What is one talent that you have that you would like to share with the board? A skill/sport/hobby/game that you're particularly good at. And if you're someone who has been here a long time maybe something that nobody knows yet.

I can play the piano. I taught piano as a side gig for several years.


I can earn enough money to raise a family and have a decent life. SO MANY of my very young coworkers cant even imagine owning a house, getting a spouse, having a couple kids…I’m truly sorry for them.


And that is no small thing. You seem like a very nice person and I suspect your family is a very lucky family.


Why thank you, I blush🤗

But yes, it’s so true.
These wonderful 20 and 30 something ‘kids’ I love and work with have a totally different reality from what I grew up with. They are good, hard workers and sweet ‘kids’ but they may never afford a house or family.

Real estate is through the roof and a decent car is 35K. It’s rough out there!
