Hi everyone. I am aware of the site being slow and have been looking into it. I've already made some changes which should hopefully speed things up. I'm also continuing to monitor and implement more fixes as necessary.


Wow. It's as zippy as The Flash here today.


Thank you!!


Yes, it seems like it's working much better now. Thank you!


Dear Jim,

I will also be emailing you this but want to post it here for everyone to see.

First, thanks for fixing one of the three greatest sites on the internet! When I went onto it in the past few days, it was covered with popups. Now, I don't see any and it runs faster than I have ever seen it do.

Second, please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD or whatever else you believe in, coordinate with some of these guys who have offered to help! I have been distracted, frantic with worry for days that you were lying in a hospital bed or a ditch somewhere and were not only concerned for you but for possibly losing this valuable and irreplaceable site! Please either sell it or allow people to buy shares or contribute such as PBS, Wikipedia, etc., do, and appoint a TEAM who is in charge of moderating and making sure the site runs smoothly! Another of my favorite sites was just the victim of four spam attacks and was only saved by the moderators! Please especially consult with people here who are tech savvy. We need to be able to know who to ask, for instance, to make an entry for a movie, show, or individual who is missing, or corrections on an existing page if necessary, and just to keep things running smoothly. I appreciate all you do but I never want to undergo another scare like this again! Thank you very much.

Not Posting My Real Name Here


Thank you!


It is already working better, isn't it?


Thank you sir..👍


Thank you.

I never doubted your existence for a minute.

A few seconds maybe.
