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John Cleese announces cancel culture series after Fawlty Towers episode taken off air

John, best known for comedy classics Fawlty Towers and Monty Python, will “set forth into the minefield of cancel culture to explore why a new ‘woke’ generation is trying to rewrite the rule on what can and can’t be said,” according to Channel 4.

The new series, John Cleese: Cancel Me, will see the actor ask whether it is still possible to make a good comedy without someone taking offence.

He is set to meet some famous faces who have found themselves on the receiving end of cancel culture and how they dealt with being involved in a public led scandal.

Addressing the new series, John said: “I’m delighted to have a chance to find out, on camera, about all the aspects of so-called Political Correctness.

“There’s so much I really don’t understand, like how impeccable idea of ‘Let’s all be kind to people’ has been developed in some cases as absurdum.

“I want to bring the various reasonings right out in the open so that people can be clearer in their minds what they agree with, what they don’t agree with, and what they still can’t make their mind up about.”


This will upset the snowflakes.


Cant wait for this!

It'll be nice to have an intelligent take on the subject rather than knuckle dragging rednecks posting
"Cant make this movie anymore , snowflakes get upset hur hur hur , i say what i want kiss my ass."
and pretend snowflakes aka attention seeking twitter trolls *claiming* to be offended about shit ,
or else claiming that some other unspecified "snowflakes" are offended.

Sounds like JC is approaching it from the right angle too


As usual, you're talking out of your ass but hey! It's probably a tiny bit less foul than your breath.


How lovely of you to say so


Interesting. He's a fucking total god damn tool on twitter.


And.... who are you?


One of the few decent people on Twitter. But look at this asshole:


It's beautiful.


"Damn cancel culture!" he says while getting his project financed.


Awww you upset Snowflake?


Looking forward to it. I love how basically every comedian sneers at cancel culture. It reminds me of how the Fool used to be the guy who could tell the King when he was being a jerk.


He better watch it. The leftists eat their own.


From the link in the OP:

Last year, John gave his opinion on the BBC removing an episode of Fawlty Towers from UKTV.

Speaking to the Sydney Morning Herald, he remarked: “One of the things I’ve learned in the last 180 years is that people have very different sense of humour.

“Some of them understand that if you put nonsense words into the mouth of someone you want to make fun of, you’re not broadcasting their views, you’re making fun of them.”

He added: “The Major was an old fossil leftover from decades before, we were not supporting his views we were making fun of them. If they can’t see that, people are too stupid to see that what can one say?

John explained he was saddened when the episode had been taken down as he knew what Fawlty Towers meant to some people and how it was nostalgic for some people.


It would be nice to know the offensive episode so we can judge for ourselves.


It was Episode 6 of Series 2 called “The Germans”. It included scenes like this:

And this:


Women Are Strange Creatures

Niggers, Wogs, Krauts...

To me it sounds like JC is deflecting the remarks about West Indians and Punjab Indians and instead piling those denigrations towards women...


Bad idea. The guy is past it.
