MovieChat Forums > Ewan McGregor Discussion > his 15 year old daughter not happy with ...

Adults are gonna love who they wanna love, including your dad

Get the fuck over it & start living your own life, ya little brat


he has ruined his relationship with his kids. Sad


A person shouldn't stay in a relationship they don't want to be in just to please their 15 year old daughter

15 is getting close to an adult, kid needs to grow up & learn that people (including her dad) are going to live their own lives, not do what she wants them to do to try to make her expectations happy

She can start living her own life instead of trying to control her parent's


you think she's the first 15 year old who wanted her parents to stay together ??


We are each the captain of our own ships

Trying to control someone else's ship or think you know better where they should sail it is a recipe for unnecessary anguish

People get together, sometimes people break up & move on, that's life

As long as people are consenting adults, their life is up to them, & if you love somebody you should want them to be happy & support them regardless

That's my take on things anyways


you don't have kids do you ??


Whether I do or not is not relevant


I was right then - I can always tell.


You didn't get an answer so you're basically just admitting you are presumptuous

While also missing the point that it doesn't matter


If you had kids your attitude would be different.


"Every single person who has kids would surely agree with me."

... clearly Ewan McGregor proves your theory wrong




Almost as nonsensical as getting all worked up about some stranger celebrity's relationship status and trying to shame him on a random internet forum


I am not upset.


Well that's good. Life's too short


Nope. I have kids and I agree with PeteyandJia.


"A person shouldn't stay in a relationship they don't want to be in just to please their 15 year old daughter"

Why shouldn't they?

People stay in jobs they hate because they have responsibilities. Relationships are no different.

The culture of... doing whatever makes you happy at all times, is the reason western civilisation is a mess.

My civil liberties, my rights, my needs, my feelings, my pronouns, my freedoms. What about all the other people you share your life and the planet with?


So you think he should stick around and constantly fight with his wife?? That be a real healthy environment for his daughter. Idiot.


Healthy marriages also involve fighting. When you grow up and have one , you'll discover this. And you'll love him regardless.


I know you think you love your sister, and your marriage will last forever, but prepare to disappoint your buck toothed children....statistics say it won’t last.


It doesn't have to last; it simply needs to be a safe environment for children to grow in.

Say hello to your husband, big Gary, for me. Try not to let him drink too much.


Weak sauce chuckletits.

Marriage ends and little brats like McGregor’s daughter need to stop being selfish snowflakes and get over it. After all, he’s her meal ticket and cutting him off will only hurt her in the long run. Like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Go back to rubbing your sister/wife’s bunyans and sipping moonshine lover boy. No need to keep taking a beating from a stranger.


Do you kiss big Gary with that mouth?


He was with the same woman for 22 years and then suddenly betrayed her and his kids. If I was her I'd be pissed off too. He committed ADULTERY.


Good for him. You only live once!!


If it was that simple then what's the fucking point of marriage then retard? You bring kids into this world under the union of two people and can just freely disregard them after a decade? Because shit happens?


Yes, that’s exactly how it works jackass.


No. It's fucking not you chromosomally deficient Moron. That's what the fucking VOWS are for you stupid inbreed. Marriage is a contract for LIFE. You don't sign it, and then cheat just because "oops, my duck is magnetically steering me in another direction. Whatever will I do? Guess this is just how it is now."

Holy Fuck do you realize the chaos if all contracts we signed could be broken so easily? I can't believe this has to be spoofed to you.


Jesus, you’re a snowflake.

Life isn’t all candy canes and licorice sticks.

Grow the fuck up.


Just because life isn't all candy and licorice, doesn't mean that marriage can't be you fucking idiot.


Someone has never been in a serious relationship.


Are you saying that all serious relationships have to end in infidelity? I mean can you just explain the fucking leap in logic here?


Taking a break from race-baiting.... in order to do a sermon on relationship morals?

You have no valid reason to be speaking about respect and morals, because you do not demonstrate any grasp of those concepts on this site.

At least you chose a good trollish username.


Yes, because this is obviously why I said this. I didn't even think about infedelity. Whatever...


The whole fucking thread is about infidelity you idiot. If it didn't even cross your mind as I was preaching about loyalty to your spouse, than that pretty much sums up the chromosomal deficiency you're suffering from.


Well, if it was what you were specifically talking about, your posts are not clear. All you do is insult people.

But well, I was more referring yo the fact that you seem to say that marriage is a sacred bond and that you cannot break it even if the relationship doesn't work anymore.


That's exactly what I'm saying. And you suggesting that ive never been in a serious relationship because I'm saying that marriage should he honored above all, is exactly why i called you an udiot. Again, walk me through the mental gymnastics you're playing here. My point is that marriage should never be jeopardized on account of infidelity. You then say that because I said that, I've never been in a serious relationship. Suvgest8ng that only "real" relationships ships end in heart break and betrayal. No. They fuxking don't. Just because your standards have hit rock bottom doesn't mean mine have to. If you take vows to honor and remain faithful to your spouse, you don't break those ows. Otherwise what's the fuxking point of taking them? What's the point of marriage in the first place?


He made it worst by being so public with it. Another celebrity who had divorced his wife made sure to keep his girlfriend out of the public eye and then slowly introduced her to his children only after the relationship became serious. His previous dates were kept private and unknown to them. He knew his children would be effected by it so he was cautious unlike McGregor.




Look, I think that it's ok for kids to be upset when a parent leaves. Even in the best situations it can be very distressing for children, but I think it has to be much worse when a parent is a celebrity. I have always liked Ewan. I remember getting infatuated as a teenager watching Lipstick on Your Collar, but let's face it, we know nothing about his relationship with his family. I think the only thing that I've ever really seen concerning Eve was in The Long Way Down when she joined them for a few days. They stayed together for 22 years. That's almost impressive by any standards these days, let alone Hollywood. He might have been a total schmuck, he did hold a grudge against Danny Boyle for years after all. She might have been controlling. The point is we don't know.

I don't think that people should stay in unhappy marriages. Break-ups hurt. I hope in time that she can find peace with her father, but she might have ended up hating him anyway if he had stayed where he was unhappy.


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.


No. It wasn't simply her parents splitting up, he CHEATED. He had an affair with a younger colleague behind his family's back. Disgusting.


I still think that there was something wrong for him to cheat in the first place. Maybe he was having a mid life crisis. I don't know him, I don't know anything about his relationships. I do think that if he was unhappy (or just a jerk) enough to cheat on his wife, and family by proxy, that him staying in the relationship might not have been a good situation either. Again, the point is we don't have a clue what really happened.


FYI there were "cheating" rumors for years and years about him, take internet gossip for what it's worth but if any of it's true that affair wasn't the first.

If there's any truth to that, then his ex-wife is probably relieved to be shut of him, but of course his kids won't feel the same.


I always wondered if that was why Eve joined in on The Long Way Down. To keep some tabs on him.


I always assumed that she joined him because nobody would want to be left out of such a fabulous journey.

If my spouse went around the world and didn't have me along, I would consider it cause for divorce.


I get that and I agree with you that I wouldn't want to be left out either, but it was also a job as well as an adventure. Also caused a bit of a rift between the guys. It just seemed like there was something more that was happening behind the scenes to me.

I'm not defending him, and I'm not blaming her or anything, my comment a year ago was that we have no real insight into the situation.


I heard a theory and he and his wife had some sort of open marriage situation, but he screwed it up by falling in love. Either way, it's fascinating that Mary got involved with him - as she doesn't seem like the type at all.


I had heard internet rumors that the "open marriage" was completely one-sided, as most open marriages are.

For what internet rumors are worth.


I heard a theory and he and his wife had some sort of open marriage situation, but he screwed it up by falling in love. Either way, it's fascinating that Mary got involved with him - as she seems (relatively) wholesome.


Dick got to his head and he wanted to bang a young chick. He totally deserves all the scorn from his daughter for wrecking his home. He and Winstead deserve each other. BTW, you get married just once. There is no second marriage. It's glorified fornication.
