MovieChat Forums > Bill Murray Discussion > Hollywood..dont even THINK about tryin t...

Hollywood..dont even THINK about tryin to cancel Bill Murray!

average people (not twitter woke crazies) of a certain age will simply not stand for Bill 'GHOSTBUSTERS' Murray aka Dr Peter Venkman of additional iconic Groundhog Day/Scrooged fame getting cancelled. so yknow, unless hes actually OJ'd someone dont even bother trying

its one thing for it to happen to a genuinly creepy type character actor like kevin spacey . you can sort of deal with that*

its another thing entirely for an entire generations childhero comedy hero star of fricking Ghostbusters to get canned. you wanna try MJF next? what about John Travolta too? Clint? or hey lets retroactively cancel Elvis while we at it

*with Mel they tried but it didnt really work beyond recasting him as Mad Max (which hed already dropped out of) and costing him a couple of action films and maybe a supporting turn in an MCU. Depps kind of the same. and ppl are not standing for it (ok he lost Potter but the FB franchise just isnt happening anyway, and Pirates was wrapped up already) Smith we'll see lol


bill murray is a nice guy and doesn’t deserve this


Are you living under the rock? He is abusive creep who attacked his co-workers. Every crew he worked with probably hates him and have their own stories of his abuse.


he was nice to me


Nah cancel that asshole. He's been known for years for being a prick


He is a VERY good actor, and once he learns to behave like an adult at work, I'd be happy to see more of his excellent performances!

But I've god no sympathy for his temper or deliberate jerkiness, if an actor can give a great performance while acting like an asshole, then he can give a great performance while treating his colleagues with a little basic courtesy and professionalism. In fact, I think indulging actors and encouraging to misbehave on set is bad for their performances, look at Marlon Brando. Self-indulgent mess of a human, who became a self-indulgent mess of an actor.




bill murray has always been an overrated one-trick pony. people say they are annoyed by jim carrey being one-trick, but murray is just way worse with his dry sarcastic "i'm an asshole" routine. like wow, he said something with a dry and sarcastic tone, how amazing. the fact that 80's nostalgia fanboys jerkoff ghostbusters, an overrated movie, so bad that they think this dope is "an entire generations childhood hero" is really sad. not to mention, he's a creep and a dickhead in real life.


People, stop worshiping those Hollywood idiots. All of them are narcissistic self -obsessed rich clowns who think they are better then you. While all of them are ordinary people.

You can worship memory of your beloved characters from the movies but dont confuse them with actors. Bill Murrey is not your character from Ghostbusters. That character was written by writers.

Bill Murray as a person is abusive creep who should have been cancelled long time ago. He abused everyone, even 9-years old children. He used force to forcibly throw 9 years old child actor to trash can to the point when child then ran away and hid under the table, crying in fear. If that would happen today - there would be multimillion lawsuit and criminal case. Like that woman he abused on his cancelled film who immediately complained and there was witness and he had to pay money and suffer consequences.


I dunno - i read the articles and what shocked me is not the latest incident, but rather the earlier ones, which i had no idea about. It seems like basically in every film he did something totally fucked up. There's a lot that we don't know about actors and what goes on behind the scenes, so this was an eye opener.

I say, cancel him and the rest of hollywood - there's something really rotten in that field - we are only now starting to discover the depth of the corruption. Oh, same goes for the high profile politicians and CEOs - power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. High profile actors are gods on movie sets. Same goes for politicians and CEOs - too much power. Just look at high profile anchors - most have already been cancelled, while the rest are either being protected (with corporations paying off victims and getting them to sign NDAs) or will soon fall as well.


Dude was great in Kingpin.
