
Most disgusting thing I've ever seen at the prestigious Oscars. Decades of illustrious film stars and nobody ever showed the ceremony such disrespect. A foul mouthed thug who should have been arrested. Has a creepy open relationship with the wife he supposedly "defended" (from a bad joke told by a comedian no less). So much for his bullshit "cool alpha male ladies man" movie persona he cultivated down the years.

His wife seems to think she's the black Meryl Streep too.


Yeah. He just derailed his legacy all by himself. Instead of being remembered by posterity as the cool guy and great Oscar winning actor, he'll always be remembered as the loose canon who couldn't control his violent impulses. Serves him right.

Too bad for his children though.


agreed. ive rarely seen a single, seemingly small act derail an entire legacy/career so thorough but its deserved

as for his kids meh. they will Never want. they are incredibly talentless. despite a life of the best schooling and teacher and trainers and coaches ect. they are incredibly mediocre at best. probably due to a life of coddling, being told they are the bestets and most specialist people in the word, and never actually had to struggle


It's shameful that Nic Cage wasn't nominated for Pig.

I feel the same way about this year as I do when Rami Malek won. Or the travesty of Michael Douglas being blocked from a best actor nom for his Liberace because Behind the Candelabra was a streaming film. Now the Academy is fine with streaming, because it lines their pockets.

It's all politicking.

Will Smith should have won for Ali back in the day. Not for this Oscar grabby performance, in yet another Oscar grabby biopic.


He should be nominated for the wicker man.

Not the beees


Anniversaries for Godfather and Cabaret (50) ignored by Smith as well as disrespect for the Bruce Willis diagnosis. He was just striking first in case the Acad. feels backed into a corner and must move against him.


You want to know the definition of disgusting?
A man being a real man and defending a woman and then apologizing for it or not defending her at all.

Tiffany Tracy McTaggart


He wasn't defending her.

He was overreacting because he's already so emasculated by her he's terrified of her and has no idea where the line is.

He reacted out of fear of further humiliation from his awful wife, all over an innocent joke.


What's more sickening is the fact Chris Rock just stood there and took the slap, and did nothing. He will forever be known as a huge pussy. Being bitch slapped on the world stage humiliated that fool.



Completely agree with this and previous addressed the point in my seminal Moviechat thread over on Chris Rock's page:-

The public humiliation of this will live on inside Chris Rock's head - when he's lying in bed at night replaying over and over again just standing there taking a slap - long after Will Smith has moved on from this (which he probably already has given his new, completely sincere, apology video).


ok but Rock is about 60, and Smith is a big guy (6ft 2, 200 lbs). he start retailiating them them slippery shoes and that shiny polished floor he gonna bounce off Smith or slip over and break a hip!

best to just stand there and take it


You're probably right in terms of actual outcome but I still reckon psychologically a tough one to take for Chris...


Yeah, I just checked your linked thread. You were as wrong there as you are here. These weren't two 10-year-old kids in a schoolyard. Well, at least Rock isn't a child and he acted like a man.

Smith is whining douchebag who's been cucked by his wife and just sits there with a stupid smile on his face.


You're not wrong re Smith.

He did have that stupid smile on his face as he joined in the laughing before the cogs slowly turned and he went "whoops... I'd better do something to correct course with the missus here!".

But still my point wasn't some kind of Smith Vs Rock one. Just because Smith was an asshole in the whole thing, it isn't going to change the psychological aspect for the Chris Rock. And it's the exact opposite of kids in a schoolyard. It's the fact that he's a man which will make it hard to shift mentally.


Well, Rock is 57 and Smith is 54. They're both old men more or less.

Remember that Smith slapped him across the face like a woman would, he didn't roll up his fist and punch Rock like a man.

I'm sure Rock has no trouble sleeping over this. He looked like a professional.

If we follow your scenario and Rock hits Smith back? Lol. What a fiasco. Rock looks as stupid as Smith.


Remember that Smith slapped him across the face like a woman would, he didn't roll up his fist and punch Rock like a man.

Yeah, that was weird that...

Made me wonder if there was some method in his madness - Would a punch more likely have constituted a full assault and resulted in arrest? But then that would play into "staged" territory thoughts, which I didn't really buy.


Oh shit. A punch which had made Rock bleed would have killed Smith's career forever. I think he restrained himself.


That's idiotic. So there's supposed to be a brawl onstage between two over-privileged clowns? Rock would have looked like a complete fool if he slugged Smith back. He did the smart and classy thing by letting it all fall back on Smith.

That was not junior high.


Exactly what you said.


Thank you. That conversation above blaming Chris Rock is probably the most ignorant one I've ever read on MovieChat.


I respect Rock for what he did (and for what he didn't do). I'd like to think that in similar circumstances (not that it's likely!) I could be that restrained. Although, if I'm honest, I'm not sure I could. But he definitely came out of this looking the best.


agreed. the only win here was to take the slap, appear the more dignified, civilized man ect. its clearly worked out for him


Sounds like Bidens Foreign Policy Plans.


This whole thing is just like Jan. 6th. You internet idiots and your sock accounts act like this was some unprecendented spontaneous event that will live in infamy that everybody should be concerned about and it will tarnish Will Smith's legacy. The reality of the situation however is that nobody cares because we all know it was staged.


you are a fucking idiot. wait was it not a big deal, or was it staged? get your narrative straight?


You know you starting to get close to some truth when you trigger Leo.


like when you invented the John legend is actually a country singer singing country songs... Ya man that sure was the "truth". not another costard reinventing reality to suit their narrative

so again, which is it? the whole thing was staged by lefties. or it wasn't a big deal and not really an insurrection?


They didn't allow it to happen, they made it happen.


explain that one. slowly and in great detail with lots of sources to back it up.


What are you my college professor?


you make massive assertions you have no evidence for. im trying to get actual information and facts you weasel. and look to no ones surprise. none were provided. a circus somewhere is missing a clown


Do i have to hold your hand?


yes you have to hold my hand and give me evidence clown. welcome to burden of proof


You aren't trying to get actual information, you are just trying to dis-credit what everybody knows is true because i'm not gonna waste my first Saturday off in weeks wading through all the google lies to write a book report for you which you would reject anyway due to your bias.


ohh the "you dont want info" from the loser who cant provide a shred.

hahahahahhaahahahaha nice cop out. thats a loss. sad liar confirmed


Go watch Jimmy Dore and Black conservative perspective like the rest of us.


soo no evidence? that which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

the sad loser faceplants again. the little bitch of MC gets unmanned and destroyed again


You're not a lawyer more like a public defender No?


You aren't actually with the establishment but you Representin'


soo no evidence. the bitchdog strikes again.
