MovieChat Forums > Lacey Chabert Discussion > Why why why why why???!!!

Why why why why why???!!!

Didn’t she ever get naked in films or shows?


Because of pervs like you.


There's nothing at all perverted about wanting to see someone you find attractive in the nude, it's completely milquetoast and natural.


It is somewhat pervy with Lacey Chabert though, considering her real claim to fame was as a undeveloped preteen in Party Of Five. Sure, she blossomed into a knockout, but never was as familiar as with her debut role of little Claudia.


It's still not pervy because she's not an undeveloped preteen. Hey newsflash, every single person you were or are ever attracted to was once a child. There's nothing perverted about being attracted to adults and wanting to see them nude. There's not even been any mention of inserting things inside butts or anything just tame vanilla stuff like nudity.


I don't need the newsflash, I know how human anatomy works.

My point is actors, especially actresses are like photographs, where people seem to relate them to when they were popular. Lamenting about the lack of nudes from 'Claudia Salinger' is akin to asking the world 'Where are all the Shirley Temple nudes at???!!'


No-one mentioned the lack of nudes from "Claudia Salinger" except you, and if Shirley Temple wasn't primarily known as a child movie star your massive reach might hold some weight. This thread is about Lacey Chabert who is still a working actress today and a 40yo woman, the fact that you immediately think of one of her child roles when nudity is brought up says more about your own perversion and creepiness than it does anybody else, compounded by you also mentioning Temple who, again, was primarily a child star. You're literally the first person in my 44years on this planet who has ever said the words "Shirley Temple nudes" to me in a conversation. I don't really wish to have a discussion about underage nudes with you so you will have to find another avenue for that.
What about people like me who never watched Party of Five and whose first exposure to Chabert was Not Another Teen Movie when she was 19? Or someone who first saw her in Mean Girls when she was 22 - does that mean Chabert is now timelocked at those ages for those people and so totally acceptable to lust after? You talk utter horseshite.


Wow I said all that with my analogy? You seem to be getting very angry at abstractions, might want to have that checked out.


You seem to be getting very angry

This is projection and deflection because I called out your insistence on projecting and steering the conversation towards children when the subject was whether attraction to adults is perverted, with no abstraction to be discerned. Nothing indicates anger in my post.
You also ignored my question about people who didn't watch Party of Five, how do they factor into your photograph theory?


Nah friend, I don't get angry discussing films or movie stars, it's a fun hobby to have.


Now you're getting defensive, did I strike a nerve?


I'm not willing to take the discussion where you are taking it, Dr Phil.


Oh you're not going to take the conversation there? You mean where you immediately took it?

OP - Isn't Lacey attractive what a shame I never got to admire her more

You - Yes but what about naked children?


I inferred it was perverted to ask for that, you are defending it.


No-one asked for that, you're the only person to mention nudes from 'Claudia Salinger' and Shirley Temple nudes.


Yet you keep mentioning it.


Yeah nice try Gary Glitter, your uno reverso card has been denied. Maybe you should be off wiping your hdds, I hear Hillary recommends BleachBit


Don't take this guy personally he is a known boot licker and bigot.


Aww is it time to pretend you've temporarily taken me off of ignore again? Don't bother replying as I have no time for chess with you anymore Mr Pigeon. Your schtick is stale so time for you to go to the proverbial cornfields to be put down alongside all of the other yappy dogs. I hope you eventually manage to get to sack of spuds surgically removed from your shoulder and claw your way out of perpetual victimhood. Ignored :)


Awww so cute. I love you!


Yeah, my mistake. I thought it was a friendly discussion, and not a all costs throwdown.


Keep putting him in his place. I love seeing him get owned it makes me happy.


I'll be honest, it concerns me more that you can't seperate a now gorgeous woman from a once undeveloped teen. That mindset has red flags all over it. You're desire to only see her as a undeveloped teen is concerning. Much moreso than an adult man wanting to see a fine adult woman naked.


What if OP's never seen Party of Five? What if OP knew Lacey, like many people, from Mean Girls, when she was well in her twenties. Lacey Chabert has been an active celebrity actress for the past two decades from which to draw someone's interest? Hell, what if OP has seen Party of Five, as a kid. What if OP is Lacey's age?

Stop being a creep.


I'm not responsible for other people's low showbiz IQ.


Oh come on. We all know everyone thought she was hot in Lost in Space.


It is perverted. He is questioning why she didn't get naked so he could be satisfied with the result.


That's still not really perverted though is it, just a bit selfish at most. Sexual attraction isn't perverted.


No, when you're shouting "oh, the humanity" because she hasn't done it, there's a creep factor.


No I disagree. I can't help but feel like the words perverted and creepy are being used outside of the scope of their intended use here. OP isn't even talking about anything sexual, just nudity. And even something being related to sex doesn't automatically make something perverted, and the desire to see someone nude isn't of itself necessarily something bad.
I wish she was nude in anything she was underage in = creepy/perverted
I am going to spy on her in a state of undress without her consent = creepy/perverted
I am going to trick her into getting nude for my benefit = creepy/perverted
I am going to force her to get nude for my benefit = creepy perverted
I am sad she was never secretly filmed nude without her consent so I could watch = creepy/perverted
I am sad she never chose to do any nude scenes I could watch = not creepy/perverted.


Good list but I expected either peanut butter or honey to be there on the creepy/perv side somewhere..


Honey is far too delicious to ever be considered anything but heavenly.




I wish she was nude in anything she was underage in = creepy/perverted

It's definitely creepy, inappropriate and sick, but why does her being underage make it perverted, but not perverted for someone who is 18+? Both are perverted.


Are you seriously asking why underage nudes are worse than adult nudes? Or are you trying to conflate adults choosing to appear nude on film with children who by definition could not consent to appearing nude on film? OK from here on out when I talk about sexual attraction it's with the caveat in place that it's assumed I'm talking about adults. This is a thread about how hot a 40yo actress is, enough with the talk of underage nudes ffs
Pathology. changed to or being of an unnatural or abnormal kind:
a perverted interest in death.
turned from what is right; wicked; misguided; distorted.
affected with or caused by perversion.

There's absolutely nothing perverted, unnatural or abnormal about heterosexual attraction. It's literally the driving force of the human race and none of us would exist without it.


Are you seriously asking why underage nudes are worse than adult nudes?

No, am asking why it's not perverted just because a woman is 18+. Being under 18 or over doesn't change the fact that it's still pervy behaviour.

Or are you trying to conflate adults choosing to appear nude on film with children who by definition could not consent to appearing nude on film?

The adult in this situation (Lacey Chebert) has chosen not to do nudity and the OP is disappointed with it because it's shattering his fantasies.

This is a thread about how hot a 40yo actress is, enough with the talk of underage nudes ffs

You're the one who brought the underage stuff up.


At the risk of repeating myself, heterosexual attraction is not perverted, even if you keep saying that it is.

No, am asking why it's not perverted just because a woman is 18+. Being under 18 or over doesn't change the fact that it's still pervy behaviour.

Sexual attraction to adults is not perverted, sexual attraction to minors is perverted. Holy shit I don't believe you actually don't understand that so I'm just going to assume you're trolling here. I mean there are laws detailing and dedicated to all this stuff.

The adult in this situation (Lacey Chebert) has chosen not to do nudity and the OP is disappointed with it because it's shattering his fantasies.

Consent is groovy, she didn't want to do that, all good. OP will have to deal unfortunately. Disappointment still isn't perversion though.

You're the one who brought the underage stuff up.

No, Oblivioid was the one who brought it up with the quotes her real claim to fame was as a undeveloped preteen and Lamenting about the lack of nudes from 'Claudia Salinger' is akin to asking the world 'Where are all the Shirley Temple nudes at???!!' which was just a massive strawman as we were neither talking about Lacey's child roles or about the child star Temple.

Calling OP a perv just seems like more unnecessary demonization of straight men to me. Maybe your standard of what is perverted is just very different to mine. There was a video floating around the web of a recent Pride parade and the footage showed a man vigorously fisting another man in front of an enthusiastic crowd all cheering and recording. Another clip possibly the same people, then showed a man french kissing another man's prolapsed anus. THAT was some pretty perverted shit, a guy thinking it's a shame he never got to see a hot woman's titties is NOT perverted.


At the risk of repeating myself, heterosexual attraction is not perverted, even if you keep saying that it is.

You're missing the point. To be disappointed that someone didn't choose to be naked (possibly to avoid people from looking at them sexually instead of looking at the performance), is the creepy part.

No, Oblivoid was the one who brought it up with the quotes her real claim to fame was as a undeveloped preteen and Lamenting about the lack of nudes from 'Claudia Salinger' is akin to asking the world 'Where are all the Shirley Temple nudes at???!!' which was just a massive strawman as we were neither talking about Lacey's child roles or about the child star Temple.

Sorry, I didn't read you other conversation with someone else.

Calling OP a perv just seems like more unnecessary demonization of straight men to me. Maybe your standard of what is perverted is just very different to mine.

This is what I wrote elsewhere on the thread: I don't care if someone has an attraction to a naked woman, but to be disappointed in it because somebody didn't choose to get naked is perverted. It would be like if a girl was wearing a shirt and she unbuttoned one button of her blouse and then saying, "damn, I was hoping you'd go the whole way".


You're missing the point. To be disappointed that someone didn't choose to be naked (possibly to avoid people from looking at them sexually instead of looking at the performance), is the creepy part.

No I disagree and you haven't demonstrated that here you've just given your opinion on it, which is fine but again, totally disagree.

Sorry, I didn't read you other conversation with someone else.

That's ok no worries, I suppose I shouldn't just assume you've read all of my comments in the thread but seeing as it was a branching conversation from your initial post I didn't think it was that much of a stretch to assume you had.

This is what I wrote elsewhere on the thread: I don't care if someone has an attraction to a naked woman, but to be disappointed in it because somebody didn't choose to get naked is perverted. It would be like if a girl was wearing a shirt and she unbuttoned one button of her blouse and then saying, "damn, I was hoping you'd go the whole way"

I know what your position is on it and I totally disagree. OP posted a passive wish not an active desire they were scheming towards. OP posted nothing at all perverted and at most you could call it creepy but that's massively subjective and I pretty much reject your definition of the word if so.


Or because of Puritans like you.


I don't care if someone has an attraction to a naked woman, but to be disappointed in it because somebody didn't choose to get naked is perverted. It would be like if a girl was wearing a shirt and she unbuttoned one button of her blouse and then saying, "damn, I was hoping you'd go the whole way".


It’s not perverted to want to see naked people. Most people want to see their favorite celebs naked, regardless of gender or sexuality. Human beings have been geared to see naked bodies since the dawn of time. We’re biologically wired for it, otherwise, the human race would have died out millennia ago.


Of course, but to start a topic about it because you're so disappointed is a different story.


I’ve been seeing topics like this since the internet became common and it’s something I’ve seen from people of all genders and sexual practices. It’s pretty typical.

It would only be creepy if the OP demanded she get nude or showed a disdain for consent.


Not creepy, pervy.


Whatever adjective you want to give it, it’s normal. There is far worse on the internet.


She's a Christian woman from what I recall, a regular church attendee, and she made the choice decades ago to never appear naked.


The Maxim pics are pretty good though, and tastefully done.


Thread MVP right here


Just semi naked:

Guess she just wanted to show off her new implants? The side of them anyway.


Agreed. I'd eat her ass if I got the chance.




Me too.


Because she is too good for the wanking OP.

Is there some digital billboard online that tells every feckless, fuckless incel to come to this site?

A while back, we had some undescended scrotum post a topic like “Women are too sexy.” He complained that he could not get laid. *deep, sneering sigh*


I’m beginning to think you and KOWALSKI are the same girl.

You’re the only two who constantly look for any thread involving sex and/or nudity so that you can wander in, lift your skirts, and piss all over it.

You have to be girls. No normal guy would bitch about it as much as you two.
