MovieChat Forums > Brendan Fraser Discussion > Why Is There So Much Mystery Surrounding...

Why Is There So Much Mystery Surrounding His Career Decline?

I mean where's the mystery?

He became famous as a tall, boyishly handsome actor and now he's middle-aged and no longer as handsome. Actors and actresses fall off all the time; especially those famous for their looks.

Granted Fraser was a solid actor but still; actors have a shelf life. It takes connections and a bit of luck to stay in the game after the looks have faded.


It's called Matthew Broderick disease.


Apparently, he talked about some important dude who try to grab his Johnson without consent and since then all the job offers have declined


I'm starting to dislike him, to be honest. He apparently blames the decline of his career on supposedly being blacklisted and seems to believe that he's somehow entitled to more recognition. Mind you, I think he's a decent actor and I very much enjoy him in The Mummy, but there are tons of actors like him. He's never been exceptional, in my opinion.


I think Hollywood are more to blame. They exiled Fraser because he didn’t want to fuck some old CEO and now they’re parading him around as this feel good comeback story when they’re the ones that sent him to Hollywood jail in the first place.

A lot of millennials already liked Fraser and have fond memories from watching The Mummy and George of the Jungle and now Hollywood is trying to get Fraser’s fandom to watch the Oscars to rescue the viewing figures from out of the toilet.

Having seen The Whale I think Fraser is definitely Oscar worthy, but fuck Hollywood for blacklisting him and now trying to spin an inspiring comeback story for him whilst sweeping what they did to him under the rug.


That's a shallow reason to dislike someone.


Why, thank you.

The problem may be that none of us know him personally and only on a superficial level, so we can only judge him on the behavior he chooses to display publicly.


I think it was because of lack of media attention on it. A lot of people didn't hear about it because the media didn't make a big deal about it or talk about it on tv/radio/internet. The same goes for why some celebrities just "disappear" into the ether, and the only way the curious can learn about what happened is to do some digging for that elusive wikipedia article or some obscure news story that was buried 5-10 years before. In a few cases, a famous person's family deliberately was discreet when intervening for the person whose life had gotten out of control, which also leads to things getting quiet and mysterious.

A good example would be Aaron Carter back in the early 2000s. It's like, you were hearing about him becoming an up-and-coming pop star, following in his older brother Nick's footsteps. And suddenly...nothing. He's gone from the pop culture scene after just 3 years. I was curious, so I looked up information, and it turns out he had a serious drug addiction problem (as a result of his budding pop star career) and his family did an intervention and put him in rehab. Apparently his budding pop star career never recovered after that. Anything else he did was not considered newsworthy, and just last year, the poor guy died of a drug overdose.
