MovieChat Forums > Brendan Fraser Discussion > Why Is There So Much Mystery Surrounding...

Why Is There So Much Mystery Surrounding His Career Decline?

I mean where's the mystery?

He became famous as a tall, boyishly handsome actor and now he's middle-aged and no longer as handsome. Actors and actresses fall off all the time; especially those famous for their looks.

Granted Fraser was a solid actor but still; actors have a shelf life. It takes connections and a bit of luck to stay in the game after the looks have faded.


They grow up to darn fast!!

You are right about that,it only seems yesterday I gave birth to my daughter, looked away for a second and poof.. she's a 17 year-old.
But very understandable he took a step back so he could be there for his kids.
And from the sounds of it, he's a great and loving dad.

act normal, most of the time that's crazy enough


This former A+ list mostly movie actor with a franchise he was stripped of has probably dropped to B list now. He was always a jerk when he was at his peak and now that he is being given a second chance he is still being a jerk. He is just more aggressive about it now towards women and no one likes working with him on his new show. Brendan Fraser (“The Mummy”) (“Trust”)


Solid actor? Is there evidence of that on film anywhere?


He had a lot of good films with solid acting from him in the 90s. Before the Mummy fanchise, he was known as a dramatic actor.


It’s your son’s 1990s films before the Mummy crap I was referring to.


Sons? I'm from the Philippines and half his age if you think I'm his mother btw.


Was just funning with you :-)


He went bald and got fat, end of discussion.


Why? Because nobody seems to know the truth. There's people like you think he isn't working because he is a good looking. Then he himself said it was a combination health problems and being black listed:


Because I think the studios and his fanbase thought he'd still be a headliner much like his contemporaries like Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and Ryan Reynolds. Instead he faded rather quickly at the turn of the century and the Mummy sequels were poorly made and didn't live up to the hype.

Some movie stars have a short shelf life while others continue for decades


i will always remember this guy as a cool badass part of my childhood. damon, affleck, and reynolds all are lame as fuck and might have better hollyweird careers but dont have the same coolness this guy has. his clap that one year at awards show was hilarious. this guy is a memelord and will live on in history much farther than any of those jabronies damon affleck or reynolds


Agree on Affleck and Reynolds as lame, but Damon??? You put Damon is the same class as Affleck and Reynolds?? Are you serious?? Damon is a great character actor. Look at how he morphed in Stillwater, the Informant, Behind the Candelabra, etc. Look at his performances in Ripley, the Departed, etc. C'mon.


idk Jack Nicolson made that movie the Departed but yeah damon is definitely a class above affleck and reynolds. idk i just dont like something about his face his acting is pretty decent


he didnt suck weinsteins dick when the time came for it so his career didn't continue


This is a silly discussion. 95% or more SAG members would love to have his career arc. He was big for about ten years. He still works regularly. He is worth about $20,000,000 at 52 and after divorce, so that offers him a very comfortable lifestyle and time to spend with his kids.


I agree actually. More power to anyone who hits it bigtime in any field.


I always expected him to make an easy transition from leading man to character actor, he's a good actor and is apparently well-liked within the entertainment industry. And once he made the switch to mostly playing supporting and ensemble roles, his inability to pick good scripts would be less of a problem.

It's really too bad he had to go through hard times during the switchover that comes to every working actor who ages out of their looks or their type, but apparently it's happening at last. And it's really nice to see that the public remembers him and still likes him, I mean that won't translate into becoming a big box-office draw again, but I think it'll mean offers for good non-glam roles.
