her voice?

i know there is another topic posted about her voice and i know this is a weird topic but he voice reminds me of someone and i cant figure out who!!
i was watchign 12 monkeys and every time she spoke i kept thinking of another actress and i coudlnt picture it in my head who it was, so i know this is a weird question but does anyone else get reminded of another actress when they hear her speak? her voice reminds me of someone else and i just really want to figure out who that is!!!

whatever i want to do. GOSH!




wow scary that was who i was thinking to cher


Is it Sigourney Weaver?


Hope Davis?


ya know i didnt even think of cher until u mentioned it, then i was thinking oh my god yes!! but i think the person i was thinking of was laura linney actually!

whatever i want to do. GOSH!


I LOVE HER VOICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yep Laura Linney is who I immediately thought about when I saw 12 monkeys today. I had to look hard to see if that was her or not because I know 12 monkeys is a mid 90's movie. I just realized today that Brad Pitt is in 12 monkeys also. Didn't remember that when I first saw the movies in the '90's.


I thought Jodie Foster also.
