her voice?

i know there is another topic posted about her voice and i know this is a weird topic but he voice reminds me of someone and i cant figure out who!!
i was watchign 12 monkeys and every time she spoke i kept thinking of another actress and i coudlnt picture it in my head who it was, so i know this is a weird question but does anyone else get reminded of another actress when they hear her speak? her voice reminds me of someone else and i just really want to figure out who that is!!!

whatever i want to do. GOSH!


Definitely Laura Linney, thats exactly who she sounds like. I actually came on here to find out if other people thought this and without being too big headed i knew they would, thanks for proving me right lol. In my opinion people think its Cher because they look fairly similar in a few ways. Thats all i've got to say about that.

"Don't waste my mother *beep* time!"
