MovieChat Forums > Jon Voight Discussion > Jon Voight: ‘These Leftists Are Evil, Co...

Jon Voight: ‘These Leftists Are Evil, Corrupt, and They Want to Tear Down This Nation’

Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight has come out in support of Donald Trump’s claim that Joe Biden is falsely declaring victory in last week’s presidential election.

“My fellow Americans, I stand here with all the feel as I do disgusted with this lie that Biden has been chosen.” Voight began. “As if we all don’t know the truth. And when one tries to deceive we know that one can’t get away with it, there will be a price to pay.”

Voight warned Americans that they are now facing their “greatest fight since the Civil War” as the left are Satanists:

The ones who are jumping for joy now are jumping towards the horror they will be in for. Because I know that the promises being made from the left to the American people will never come to be. My friends of all colors, races, and religions, this is now our greatest fight since the Civil War. The battle of righteousness versus Satan. Yes, Satan. Because these leftists are evil, corrupt, and they want to tear down this nation.

Voight went on to urge Americans to trust God will oversee the process but continue to fight like it is the “last fight on earth”:

We must not allow this. We must fight this corruption that has taken over and fight for the good that seems lost. Let us give our trust to God and pray for Trump’s victory because we all know this ballot count is corruption like they are. So let us not back down, let us fight this fight as if it is our last fight on earth. As Muhammed Ali said, ‘It is not over, till the last punch you have.’ God Bless.


He's got a purty mouth...


The under 30 are saying..."Who is Jon Voight?"


Aw, now you made feel old.


I felt the same way a few years ago when my nephew's fiance didn't know who Sean Connery was.


Thatsh dishgrashful.


She really into The Hallmark channel.


She may grow out of it.


They are doing just that.


Sounds about right


Jon Voight is not wrong.. The Left does want to tear down this Nation, everything right down to transgenders participating in women's sports because they can't hack it on their own male biological sport's team because they're soy boys, total pusses and if they can't hack it on their own biological sport's team, then find a different hobby


Jon is correct!
