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I did not have sexual relations with that girl. -Bill Clinton

I did not have sex with that woman. -Bill Clinton

Sound familiar?


Like Trump?

I remember when the Republicans were going after Clinton for lying about sex, yes, under oath, but it had nothing to do with the investigation or the crimes they thought he committed.

Back then, it was the law is the law, and he should be punished as harshly as possible. Now, with Trump its who cares, it's not important, everyone does it. Well, the ones who aren't in total denial about him lying about things like the size of some of his properties or the amount of rent they brought in. Or the financial documents for his payment to a porn star he had sex with in order to keep her quiet.

Speaking of his many affairs, remember how they also talked about how character mattess! what a terrible example he is for the children and so on...


That’s an apples to oranges comparison. Bill Clinton was getting sucked off in the White House by an intern. While acting as president. Trump had an affair with a porn star on his own time, 10 years before he even ran.




So adultery isn't such a negative reflection on his character because he wasn't president yet? He didn't do it while acting as President? Does that reasoning apply to everyone who cheats while not acting as President? LOL

What complete bullshit. The constant cheating on his wives by Trump is not comparable because he wasn't in office at the time! Really incredible rationalizing going on here.

The right was going after Clinton for the character issue before the Lewinsky story broke. Somehow Trump's many affairs, cheating on every one of his wives, aren't a character issue because he wasn't in office yet. Like whether he was president or not at the time has anything to do with what it means about his character. It's not like it was something he did when he was young and stopped. He was cheating on his latest wife, the first lady, as well.

It's really impressive how people's standards and beliefs can shift according to whatever the circumstances are at the moment, especially when it comes to this kind of thing. Politics.

Someone could find proof Trump cheated while in office, and right wingers would have some new rationalization about why it was totally different. Hypothetical situation: Trump fucked her in the bathroom you see, while Clinton actually got a BJ while he was in his office and on duty so, you know, that is far, far, far more immoral.

Something like that.


I don’t really care about either of them cheating on their wives. If you want to call it a character issue, they are probably equal as far as that goes.

But yes there is a huge difference between fucking someone on your own personal time, and fucking someone at work, who works under you. While you are getting paid. The first one is no one else’s business except for those involved, and whoever else they are in a relationship with, while second is all of that, plus an abuse of power, a conflict of interest stealing time, and a slew of potential law suits.

Someone could find proof Trump cheated while in office, and right wingers would have some new rationalization about why it was totally different. Hypothetical situation: Trump fucked her in the bathroom you see, while Clinton actually got a BJ while he was in his office and on duty so, you know, that is far, far, far more immoral.

The fact that you have to put Trump in the white house in your hypothetical shows that you know the difference. They don’t try to impeach you for cheating on your wife, they try to impeach you when you fuck a subordinate, while at work.


Nonsense. That's just a way for you to rationalize it as being not so bad when Trump did it, (constantly). Clinton wasn't impeached for having sex at work or because she was an intern. Actually, he was impeached for perjury, when Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation wasn't finding anything, so he started poking around in Clinton's sex life, which Republicans had already been talking about for YEARS and was a major issue for them, a character issue they called it, before Clinton was elected.

The stealing time argument is complete bullshit, too. I don't recall ever hearing it until, again, the right's love affair with serial cheater Trump began. Then it became, well, that's her personal life, it shouldn't matter. The President doesn't have fixed hours or work specific days. He's essentially always on duty. They can decide when to stop and start work. Republicans never claimed that adultery committed before coming into office or while he was "on duty" or something was personal, therefore shouldn't matter - until Trump came along.

But the point is that republicans were making a huge issue of Clinton's affairs. It's laughable really how Republicans are trying to rewrite history saying that it was only an issue once he had sex while at work as President or because he lied about it.

The one thing I agree with you on is that having an affair with a subordinate like that is wrong. But again, Republicans were trashing Clinton for his cheating ways for years, well before the Lewinsky scandal. It's a total rewrite of history to claim otherwise. It's downright laughable.


Clinton spluged everywhere in the oral office.


Did he fuck her or only cum in her mouth?
He also wet his cigar with the vagina juice!


Didn't you read Wanderer farms post?

He wasn't in office yet, so it's different, don't you see? Not nearly as immoral. All those people having affairs who aren't president, it's not nearly so bad. Not such a negative reflection of their character. Even if they are on their fourth wife and cheated on every one of them. LOL.


I was referring to Clinton! Unconfirmed reports claims he asked her to swallow!


Ha. Well, the cigar thing sounds like something Trump would do as well. I don't think he smokes cigars, though, actually. Error on my part.

The two of them are birds of a feather, in a lot of ways. Clinton maybe has some compassion for people who are struggling, so he ended up a Democrat.
