MovieChat Forums > Rick Moranis Discussion > Not one news article mentions his attack...

Not one news article mentions his attacker was black!

If you google "Rick Moranis african attacker" they turn "african" into "black". Articles say he was wearing a black T-shirt, not that he was black.

With Bing I get plenty of results but only a conservative site says "african american". It mentions black thugs target old white guys, and this is a hate crime. Not going to hear that on the MSM!

What’s the Knockout Game? Just what it sounds like. You find a target walking down the street, usually someone elderly and white, and you try to knock him or her out with a single punch. Maybe your friends are recording it, so they can post it to social media and the cops will have an easier time catching you. It’s considered funny, at least among scumbags who enjoy watching old people in pain. It’s committing hate crimes to entertain stupid cowards.

And it’s not racist because the victims are usually white.

Our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press inform us that the Knockout Game doesn’t really exist. It’s a “phony panic” and a “myth.” No matter how many times it happens, no matter how many innocent people are beaten in the street, there’s absolutely no connection. It’s completely random. If you suspect otherwise, that just proves how much of a racist you are.


Would they mention his race if he was white? Because I don’t think they would.


Because google and 95% of silicon valley have an agenda.

They are extremely liberal and have been heavily conditioned to never criticize a person of color.

Want to see how crazy google is

Google caucasian inventors or white invetors and click on images

You will die laughing, like its almost a joke how they are throwing it in your faces.

Ben Franklin, Tesla, Graham bell...

Who dat?
