
Who's ready?


Hasn't been in the news in years. Before that it was legal problems due to his mental illness.

Nobody will hire him. Best to stay poor when you owe so much.


Honestly, just about the only thing I remember him for is THE LAST PICTURE SHOW. And being in the news for going bonkers.

I can do without him.


I wondered whatever became of him. I thought he moved to Canada and was once arrested for some reason that I now don't remember.

I remember him in Foxes and Brokeback Mountain, and then the National Lampoon movies with Chevy Chase.


He's left a shocking trail of newspaper exposes behind him in the last decade (?) Is now thoroughly deranged, with an equally crazy wife.

I am dimly recalling him now in some extravagant disaster film...maybe it was INDEPENDENCE DAY? Or perhaps MARS ATTACKS.


Independence Day


Oh Cookie! He was in a great movie called The Last Detail. Definitely watch it if you haven't seen it. It has Jack Nicholson in it and it's very good. Also, Randy Quaid is in Kingpin, which is hysterical. But, you are right, that was a long time ago, sadly. I do remember hearing some weird gossip about him but I can't remember what it was about. I'm thinking there must be some drinking and some mental issues involved.


<< Oh Cookie! He was in a great movie called The Last Detail. Definitely watch it if you haven't seen it. It has Jack Nicholson in it and it's very good. >>

I know it's biased, but I'm not usually attracted to films that have an all male cast. Just like there are guys (and women) who just can't bear "chick flicks", I just feel claustrophobic and impatient with movies that focus entirely on male experience.

I know what THE LAST DETAIL is, I know the plot and cast, I know it's a 70's classic...but there are just other movies I'd rather explore. Carol Kane has a small role in it, but the movie otherwise just sounds like a virtual desert for women.

I've seen enough movies like that in this lifetime...especially considering probably 70% of movies have that exclusively male focus dynamic.


You know it's funny that you brought this topic up. I never thought that I especially liked "women's movies" until I was talking about movies with a friend who said she hated costume dramas. I responded that I love those kind of movies and shows. After I thought about a bit, I realized that the reason I loved these shows is not because I love movies about aristocrats or the past, it's because these movies typically have women's stories. For me it was a big revelation, I know that sounds dramatic, I just never really paid attention to the dearth of women's movies. So, I do get why that wouldn't appeal to you. I'm a big cinephile so I have noticed that old movies from the 30s, 40s, 50s have a ton of female leads and then very few. I have my theories but I do feel like it's getting better again. I have a group of women that I go to movies with and our choices are increasing. It does make me happy to watch women on the big screen.


Im ready, what the hell!




As long as he's married to his schizophreniac wife who gets off on emasculating him i don't think he has a chance to make a comeback.


I'll bet you're the sort of person who writes off Meghan and Harry too !
