MovieChat Forums > January Jones Discussion > Technically she should be hot, but no, w...

Technically she should be hot, but no, why?

Is it maybe that she's not a good actress? I don't know. Plenty of hot women are terrible actresses.

There is just some intangible factor that is hard to describe, but you know it when you see it.



"by Nixon_Carmichael » Tue Jan 5 2016 19:58:12
Is it maybe that she's not a good actress? I don't know. Plenty of hot women are terrible actresses.

There is just some intangible factor that is hard to describe, but you know it when you see it."

You're an idiot.

Stop posting.

Delete your account.

Go jump off the Golden Gate Bridge.


Watch her in Mad Men, she is hot af.


An episode of The Office explained this phenomenon using Hilary Swank as the example. I wish I could find the clip just to prove I didn't imagine it.


Gotta agree with you OP. There's something off about Ms. Jones. Pretty face but she doesn't have that "spark". That enigmatic movie star magic that radiates through the camera. She's charmless.


Sometimes "hot" needs a quirky face. Ms.Jones here is very preety but unmemorable.


I agree, she's obviously very beautiful but seems kind of dull and has no charisma.


She's a knockout -- but she also strikes me as sexless.


While I can definitely understand why being talentless (in this case, a theoretical dearth of acting talent) would drop somebody's attractiveness, I did think she did a good job as an actor in Mad Men... But, yes, if you don't like her talents, you'll think she's unattractive. I know a lot of people who I think are more attractive because they're geniuses at something and other people who are otherwise "hot" who I find terribly unattractive because they are vapid, talentless, and generally space-wasters.

In January Jones' case, though, I can see what you mean. I do think she does a good job on Mad Men, but as on that show, as with other roles I've seen her do, she's cast as the "Ice Queen". If your perception of her is as a distant, spiky, irritable, nasty person you might not enjoy looking at her with a romantic or erotic lens.
