She lost

God bless the legal system


Kevin Federline must be delighted. His gravy train is intact.


He's probably as delighted as all the women who are paid obscene amounts of money every month by their ex-partners.


not surprised after all the looney videos she has posted, she was just in Hawaii, so life isnt that bad.


I knew it. Brit refused psych exams, the judge isn't going to remove the conservatorship from a high-profile case without backup from some doctors.


Were they Independent doctors? Or ones connected to her father


Again, Britney refused to take the psychiatric evaluation the court wanted, that she would need to pass in order to have the conservatorship reconsidered. That's the biggest reason the judge ordered the continuation.

So there are no independent doctors or doctors connected to her father, Brit refused to see "the doctors".


Who knows if "the doctors" aren't connected to her father or not. Do you? Do you think someone in control of her vast wealth doesn't have the resources to have the courts side with him?

How can you support medical tyranny like this? Never mind I see why, you're a Branch Covidian too


The whole thing is fishy as hell.

She has denounced exploitation and forced labor. Her psych condition is irrelevant.


And now being exploited and forced to work, not have kids and can't get married all cause of this conservatorship


Yeah, that's the thing.

And perhaps she needs control, but under tutors who are supposed to make choices based in her well-being. Preventing her from having a stable relationship and kids, while filling her with pills so she can keep working and they can keep charging millions. Sounds like a great therapy.

I wonder whether the judge has a finger in the pie. Anyway, it's kinda scary how defenseless you are when big money gets involved.


judge probably realised that left to her own devices she would end up another Whitney, Winehouse etc within about a year. something the #FreeBritany! mob dont seem to understand


Bingo. That's exactly what they are - a mob. No objectivity or perspective at all.


Agreed. The public doesn’t have access to all of the information at the judge’s disposal and is generally not as familiar with the law.The judge’s highest concern is (or at least should be) Britney’s well-being which is not perfectly congruent with Britney’s preferences.


They've turned into Michael Jackson fans. No perspective whatsoever. EVERYONE is "in" on this. Her family, the judges, doctors, etc. It's not possible she's actually inept, it's all a conspiracy.


Its every rock stars right to end up dead in apool of their own vomit.
Why is Britney being denied this choice?


Whether her dad abuses her and should be the one in-charge of her affairs or not is a separate issue, but it's pretty obvious she's unstable.
