MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > She's still crazy as hell

She's still crazy as hell


At least it keeps the nude pics going.




Oh come on it was a bit funny!


I love naked women but Britney is so far gone that is not fun. It’s pitiful


Her dumb fans thought they knew more than her doctors, the judge and her family.


I would date her In A heartbeat... πŸ‘


There's no denying she's had a smoking hot body most of her adult life, and once she gets made up, she's quite beautiful on a date that one can only hope leads to a sleepover.


You know she's crazy in the sack...


Haha....indeed.... πŸ˜‚


Is that a fake UK accent or what? To hell with seeing you put new dresses on Britt; let's see more of you taking them off!



She wanted the freedom to go off her meds, her fans wanted her to have the freedom to go off her meds.

I hope they're happy now.


never underestimate the stupidity of the masses when they believe they are doing something "noble".


Well, the "stupid" masses were correct that the conservatorship was not legally valid, conservatorship means stripping a person of a great many legal rights, and is only meant for people with permanent mental disabilities such as dementia, severe brain injuries, developmental delay, intractable schizophrenia, etc. Unfortunately Spears seems to fall into that sad category of people who aren't legally conservable, but who are unable to manage their own affairs. And who isn't fortunate to have anyone trustworthy enough to manage her affairs for her.

So all the people who cried "Free Britney" did have a point, but I don't think ANY of them understood what ending the conservatorship would mean. They all seem to be the sort of people who think that "mental illness" means their own anxiety-and-depression, they don't seem to have a clue about the more serious forms, such as bipolar or schizoaffective disorder.


over the last 10 years the only aim that people have had is to get offended, complain, play the victim and defend who they want to believe are victims.

believe me, if she does something stupid and it's a matter of time, an overdose, suicide, whatever...... the very same people who were saying "free britney!" will be going after the parents and family for not looking after her and preventing it.

it's not about right and wrong anymore for these people, it's about bitching, moaning, "defending" a cause, and it doesn't matter to them if they understand it or not.


Who's the worse human being, idiots who at attempt to good, or the idiots who do nothing and complain about the do-gooder?

I'm not an idiot, I work full-time in the helping professions, which is why I'm the only person discussing Spears who seems to know anything about conservatorship law. And as such, I know that American law and social conventions don't offer any good options to anyone like Spears, until such time as she becomes dedicated to managing her mental illness herself. Until then, there are no good options, but the current option is both the legal one, and the one Spears herself wanted.


idiots who attempt to do good, they are far far far far far far worse. like the saying goes "the path to hell is paved with good intentions"

behind every tyrannical government, behind all the horrible shit that has happened over the last 100 years, you'll find a obsession with some greater good, with the common cause, with altruism.

but these people don't have good intentions in the case of britney or someone like that, their only aim is to use the stupid voice that social media has given them to bitch and moan.

so like i say, the same person screaming "free britney" 2 years ago, will be calling her father the devil when she dies of an overdose.

these peoples only aim is to defend something, fight for something and it doesn't to them how much sense it makes or if it's helping. so whats the point?


Almost everyone who does something evil thinks they were doing good. The white supremacists who lynched innocent black men thought that "protecting our way of life" was a greater good, the Nazis who committed genocide thought that a racially pure Germany was a greater good. Or at least some of them did, those who gleefully looted the estates of murdered Jews may have known damn well they were pure evil, but they were followed by people who were mostly well-intentioned idiots.

However, no good at all gets done without good intentions, so don't go pissing on good intentions around me, especially if you think all the foolishness is on one side of the political spectrum.


i didn't mention a political side, nor left nor right. you see? more over emotional crap?

well done


Riiight. You want to complain about do-gooders, so you dismiss the one person who understands the legalities of the situation as "over emotional crap".

The fact is, that the Free Britney crowd may be largely composed of idiots, but they were on the right side of the law. They probably didn't understand that, as I'm always the only person in these discussions who understands the first thing about conservatorship law, but they were right that Spears wasn't legally conservable. Well, they weren't all idiots, there were a few saying "Britney has the right to fuck up her own life like a normal person", which does show a pretty good grasp of the realities.


you understand nothing, you're one of those people that when the thread is about the vaccine, it turns out you spent 9 years studying at john hopkins.

you know nothing, it's over emotional crap. i don't want niceness, i want inteligence.


Since you can't spot intelligence when it's right there on your monitor and you've got your eyeballs right on it, I fear you are doomed to a life of frustration!

Now bugger off, I've got better things to do with my expertise than feed it to trolls.


calm down you homo!


You say that like it's a bad thing!

Which tells us everything we need to know about you.


She really needs some help. Maybe Richard Simmons could straighten her out.


the accent is insane....... and her voice is completely unrecognizable !!

what.... the......... fuck?


She used to speak with that soft fake baby voice everywhere. And we all thought it was her real voice. While in reality her voice is much harder.


i guess so........ but the weird accent, now that is crazy, i believe the old slut Madonna also did that at some point in time!


This is her idea of comedy. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
