MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > She's still crazy as hell

She's still crazy as hell


Fake British accent is back. Its never a god sign. Last time she had it was during meltdown.

If Instagram and Twitter was a thing in 2007 then this is what Britney would do during her meltdown. She would constantly put crazy videos of herself. This is sad to watch. She clearly is very very mentally ill. And she is not receiving any help and medication. And media keeps pretending that everything is fine.

This is why doctors put her on medication back then and judge impose conservatorship to make sure that someone would make her take medication she needs. Now there is no one to do that and this is what happens. She lives inside her own insanity not even realizing she is ill and how crazy she looks.


What kind of drugs is she on? Where did the weird accent come from? Why is her voice 3 octaves lower than it was a few years ago? Why does her makeup resemble a racoon?


What even more sad is that 500 000 people liked that video. Like they thought it was some sweet and funny video.

You could think that maybe she stumbled upon some British reality fashion program where British woman was talking about dresses that someone gifted to her and Britney decided to parody it for fun... But knowing Britney - its not the case. She has a well documented facts when she started talking with fake British accent during her meltdowns.

You could see insanity in her eyes. And she mentioned mommy and daddy in the caption again. Meaning she is still obsessed with them. It feels like Britney stuck in 17 years old mindset, that angry teenager phase. And in reality she wants Mommy, Daddy, Sister, Sons come and beg her, ask for forgiveness. And she will be like: "No. You know what you did. I will not forgive you. Im offended. Now sit in a corner and think of what you did".

But no one comes to beg! Daddy has been laying low and just gave up on her. Mommy ans Sister tried to talk but Britney didnt want to listen. Sons are teenages themselves and dont know how to deal and mentally ill mother so they just stop all communication with her until she will get herself together. And all of her relatives have been bullied by press and her crazy fans. So they all just stop any mentioning of her and dont try to reconnect. ot to mention she is 40 years old woman, not 17 years old teenager.

So there she is, completely alone and all those people she is mad at - forgot about her existence. But she thinks about them all the time.

Britney thinks she is the center of the world since is The Celebrity in family. But when you read her sisters book you can see that Jamie Lynn spend lots of time with Mommy and Daddy during her youth. Specially when she got kid. Mommy was around a lot. No one was obsessed with Britney all the time. There are other two children in the family and now there are 5 grandchildren.


Losers discussing a loser.


Pretty disturbing.
