MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > She had an abortion with Justin Timberfl...

She had an abortion with Justin Timberflake's baby.

Never liked Justin Timberflake, so I guess this is a smart decision on her part.


At the same time, or did they take turns?


He performed the abortion himself.


Backed up by the rest of NSYNC.


But all those stories about her being a virgin... They weren't true??


Are you calling Brit Brit a liar?


Good for her going public. We need more famous southern gals to destigmatize abortion.


Killing innocent, defenseless humans will always have a stigma, as it should.


A clump of tissue is not a person.


You are a clump of tissue, champ.


*Everybody* is a clump of tissue.


Most women who have an abortion later turn out like this, let's face it, she's crazier than a shithouse rat.doing something like that always really affects women, if they like to admit it or not.




According to bensonhurst's personal statistic. 😉​


I see a woman who pre-abortion was perfectly normal, i mean put the dates together? theres 100% a line in the sand pre and post justin timberlake (abortion)

she was americas sweetheart

She went from being 100% normal, to shaving her head, attacking paparazzi with an umbrella and being such a loon that her parents pretty much had to control her.

then it became "free britney!" but her parents were right! she's dancing in videos with knives! and looks like she's been on a 17 day crack bender.

it messed with her brain, not only did she take a life, she took her own childs.

put it together... uncomfortable truth or not..


Your very first sentence was the best:
"Most women who have an abortion later turn out like this..."
An incontrovertible diagnosis from Dr. psych. bensonhurst573. ​🤣​


i'm surprised you can't really comeback with any kind of coherent answer, just emojis like an 11 year old girl.


Apparently there's something wrong with your eyes. ☺


no coherent response, just emojis like a little girl. embarrassing. i suppose the truth hurts.


Somehow you sound like bad-spot.
Hopefully there's no bensonhurst1-572. ☺☺☺




Some women are mentally healthy after abortions, but feel regret. Some go into deep depression which is very sad. On the Access site, she states she deeply regrets it. Justin felt they were too young.


And most women live happy lives afterwards.
Because they know it was eventually their own decision.
Because they know it was best for everyone involved under the circumstances.
And because they hopefully had a little mourning time afterwards to say goodbye to 'what could've been'.
It never helped anyone to blame others for own decisions.
Life goes on.


Show me your stats then? Spears also gave birth to two children and used drugs prior to being placed on a conservatorship. Why do you think an abortion was more significant those other events?


As said above, it must've been according to bensonhurst's personal statistic.
Unfortunately bensonhurst573 was gone short after it. ​​😭​


tru dat she really be crazier than a shithouse rat


I hope press will come after Timberlake.

So this guy made her pregnant, forced her to do abortion and then dumped her in a year. Then declared worldwide pity tour for himself accusing her of cheating. Writing a song about it, making fun of her. While simultaneously cheating on her too.

That is so low.

She would have baby no problem. While he was simply afraid of his future idol status. It would be about year 2000 and he was still in NSYNC, already plotting his future solo career. And he needed his young female fans to look at him as being single hot boy they can date with. Not a married father of a child. It would be devastating blow to his promising career.

I wonder if he regretted it later. On one hand he spared himself from K-Fed fate when he had to go through all her mental phase because they had children. And it would be Justin who would have to take care of her and take their child for solo custody and be in tabloids because of that. He as probably happy he dodged that bullet.

On the other hand it would be his child. I wonder if thats one of the reasons Britney hates her sister so much. Its envy. Jamie Lynn got pregnant at 16 and had left her child to herself. While she had way more reasons to not have it. She was literally a child and had a career in front of her. While Britney didnt fount the courage to stand up to Justins decision. Because IT WAS his decision. He told her it would be better for everyone and she agreed.


So this guy made her pregnant,

It takes two for that. It's not like he actively wanted to get her pregnant against her will. But I agree that he's an asshole for forcing her to get pregnant.


You are making a wild leap assuming this is even true. Britney is undeniably mentally unsound, and desperate to remain a public figure. Those things combined make a very unreliable narrator. I'm not even saying it didn't happen just as she said, but it being in her book is not the same as it being fact. I'm sure the press is well aware of that, and I can't imagine them making any significant waves for JT.


Jamie Lynn and Britney are two different people. Although I can see Britney not wanting her sister to face the same anguish over having an abortion.


I dont think Britney was even close to her sister when she became pregnant. I read Jamie Lynn book. Britney was less and less in her life as Jamie Lynn was getting older and older. She just kinda disappears. And it was before conservatorship. So no wonder if Britney found out about it from the tabloids. She was nowhere to be reached and was partying with shady people at that time. And they tried to make it a secret and Jamie Lynn went to parents to inform.

And sister barely mentions Britney after. It really feels like they were very distant and apart. Britney kinda treated her little sister like a doll to play with when she was little. But as sister was growing and turning into teenager - Britney was losing interest. I dont think she loved sister that much. Or any member of her family. While always acting like they all should have bow to her and adore and care about her problems, acting like she was the only child. Mamma Spears had other daughter and her teen pregnancy and the child to worry about too.


He could not force her to have an abortion, she could've forced him to be a father. She had all of the power in that situation, and he had none. With power comes responsibility. She is accountable for her own actions.

Would you be asking for the press go to after her if she forced him to be father to a kid he want? Or would it still be his fault?


LOL. So naive.

Like she said - if it would be up to her - she would have had that child. But he was the other part of problem and she loved him and he told her he doesnt want it and was pressuring her to get rid of it, and she listened to him.

She was not some D-lister nobody who wants to have a child with A-list celebrity so they keep it no matter what man says because they want endless money income for 18 years in child support. She was bigger celebrity than him.


It was up to her. It's her body her choice. If she wanted to have it, there was nothing he could do about it other than be forced to pay child support for 18 years. She choose to listen to him, but she didn't have to. So she should take accountability for a decision that she made.

And you should probably address your own internalized misandry, that leads you to remove all accountability from women, and blame men no matter what.


But its not like she doesnt take responsibility, lol.

She just informed everyone what happened.


Shes not taking responsibility. She said it was up to her, she would've had it. It was up to her, and she didn't have it. Justin Timberlakes input is literally just his opinion, and she again, made a choice to listen to him. He couldn't force her to do anything.

I personally don't like the fact that 1 parent has 100% power, and the other parent has 0%. But that is what we have, and you cannot shift blame.


LOL. No. He pressured her no matter how you want to spill it.


He had no leverage to pressure her other than breaking up with her, she still had to make the decision.

You are still trying to remove accountability from the woman and place it on the man, even though it’s 100% her decision.


And I genuinely hope you're a woman too. ♥


According to this article she said in 2003 she only had sex with one person by that point. Everyone assumed it was Timberlake but she reveals in her memoir it was her brother’s friend.

So how could she have gotten pregnant with Timberlake in 2000? Unless she (gasp!) lied in 2003.


Pop stars never lie.


Damn skippy!

Not the virginal ones anyway.


Oh Jeez, I just read that as, “Everyone assumed it was Timberlake but she reveals in her memoir it was her brother’s”.

I am such a putz.


🤣​...welcome to the club!

Needed to read that sentence 3x until it was clear to me.
It was just her brother's friend and not Justin. ☺


Had nothing to do with him. Would have ruined her career like it did her sister’s.


But she kept the kids she made with that shitty no talent wanna be rapper guy she was married to? Great decision maker, she is...


Maybe she trusted him more.


I stand by my judgment of her decision-making skills (or lack of).


Forgot all about that dipshit she married.
