MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > President Biden is a great President so ...

President Biden is a great President so far

A smart, experienced, wise, real man of faith, who understands how to govern, negotiate, compromise, but who has hard moral boundaries that force him to stand up against corruption and moral failure, like greed or tyranny. I wish the best for him, and for our country.


I wouldn't say great, but definitely better than what we had before.


If he can get done what he wants to be done he would be the most loved and greatest President since Franklin Roosevelt .


It's the republicans who always try to block national progress. Lincoln would have modern republicans shot were he alive.


Well, Republicans are spoiling for another revolution Civil War, I wouldn't blame Lincoln a bit.


Agreed. He's basically vanilla ice cream after eating consuming dog shit for 4 years.


Consuming? Being force fed!


Yeah you probably also believe in fairies and that Clinton did not have sex with that woman.


Typical Republican response, but you forgot to punctuate it with idiot and moron.


Give him a break he's got severely limited abilities.


Yeah, what's next? Using campaign funds to pay hush money to a porn actress?


Unnecessary to burn 45. That one's self immolating.


I was torching alx9, not 45. 45 is already all ablaze.


So far he's the worst president of my lifetime..


I don’t know, Barack Obama was pretty bad


Barack Obama was the BEST after that moron Dubya. He sat and read a child's book while the Twin Towers COLLAPSED, for GOD'S SAKE!!


That’s your big complaint? That he didn’t get up out of his chair quick enough which almost certainly would have caused a panic????

Barack Obama on the other hand gave automatic weapons to drug cartels, tanks and missiles to the Muslim brotherhood, got a US ambassador and 3 other brave Americans killed then blamed it on a YouTube video, kicked a bunch of people off their health insurance, raised taxes, tanked the economy, created ISIS then called them the “JV” team, stoked racial divisions, insulted the American worker by saying “you didn’t earn that” and colluded with Russia.


I always thought Bush was the worst person it was possible to elect for the presidency, that is until 2016 proved me wrong. But I never understood this criticism against him. It's not like he knew the attacks were going to happen before he went to that photo-op. And he did the exact right thing in that situation: keep calm and carry on. There was nothing he could do in that situation, it was already being handled. Cameras were on him: had he gotten up and aborted the session, he would have appeared to be panicking, and the press would certainly have a field day with that. It isn't the president's job to handle emergencies when they happen: his job is to make sure the country is prepared for emergencies, and to show a sympathetic face in the aftermath.

It's not like the fire fighters and police are waiting for a direct order from the president. They do what they already have a mandate to do, and other men under the president have the power to call out additional resources if the president is not available. Which is exactly what happened. The city has a mayor, the state has a governor, the president has a VP. In these situations, the president is but a figurehead.


Well explained.


And he's cool.


Yeah, gonna get me a pair of aviator sunglasses! ;-)

(not really, those things are way out of style)


In 100 days, he has ruined the border, actually drove up unemployment when there are 8 million job openings, spent around $6 trillion (and wants to spend more), caved to cyber terrorists, caved to Hamas, caved to the 'squad', caved to unions, caved to drug cartels.

So far the only good thing we can say about Biden as president is he hasn't been kissing and fondling young girls while trying vacu-suck their hair with his nose.

Biden is even dumber than Bush, which I had not thought possible.


He has not ruined the border. The country must import a new voting class in order to pass more progressive policies. Opening the border is the easiest way to do that. Regarding unemployment, a lot of people can make more money staying at home collecting govt checks than looking for a job at this time. It expires though in Sept, so we will see if they can extend it. Who doesn't like that? Yes, trillions were needed to spend to invest in our future. Hopefully more can be passed in the coming years. Biden never caved to cyber terrorists. Colonial Pipeline is a private company and they handled it on their own. I thought republicans like private business being able to make decisions on their own? He doesn't cave to the squad. The squad are very intelligent and they brought some astute points to Biden which he listened to. Unions are saving this country and making it better. Again, Biden will listen to unions for their ideas and take note. The drug cartels control the border. Everyone knows that. This country needs a new voting class. This way under no circumstances, can someone like Trump get elected again.

Now you got nothing to say. I own you on here


Since they don't plan on obtaining citizenship you do realize none of those aliens crossing the border can ever vote.


They will get amnesty. They will vote someday. Unsure though if it will be as soon as 2024 though


They have been dragging their feet for years on just DACA kids getting citizenship(a no brainer). You really think Amnesty for all undocumented people will ever happen, let alone by 2024? No chance in hell!


Well there has to be a way to get them to be able to vote. Thats the reason why the Biden administration is letting them to flow in. My college professor told me


Troll alert!


Go away you bigoted Trump voter.


Pretty much sums up the Democrats. Having to import voters to win elections.


By whatever means necessary to fundamentally change America forever


Have all the racist attacks against Asian women stopped?


Not by 2024 but maybe in the next election cycle hopefully


Amnesty means nothing. They need Citizenship which most don’t want


vacu-suck their hair with his nose.

haha, thats hilarious...


Why do all even talk about this shit??? It always goes nowhere and people are not gonna convince each other of their beliefs.


That's ok. It's good to register who's who for the algorithms so judgment is easier.


Thank you OP! I needed a good laugh. This fucking cocksucker’s been in office for barely 5 months and has done nothing but create chaos, division and a dystopia.....I mean a Democrat presidency, indeed!


Once again you prove yourself to be an absolute melon
