MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > 'Fuck Joe Biden' Chants Erupt Across Col...

'Fuck Joe Biden' Chants Erupt Across College Football Games for Second Weekend

… Trump Jr. citied the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the introduction of a vaccine mandate for tens of millions of workers as examples of why some people had expressed their disdain for the president.

"Honestly, it's gotten so bad that the media can't run cover for him anymore," Trump Jr. said.

"The media created controversies about Trump and they ran it as the gospel. There's still people talking like Russia, Russia, Russia was a real thing, not a figment of their imagination that they were able to manipulate from political games.


"Fuck Joe Biden" flags and shirts selling out on Amazon!


Have you re edited you posts and titles?
I didnt think this 'Fuck Joe Biden' shit was a month old yet?


Hilarious. There's no way this fascist tyrant got 80 million votes.


It gives me hope for humanity. There actually are non-sheep out there.


what a bunch of snowflakes. the same people who boo'd at the chiefs/texans game because the players were holding hands. big ol 'alpha males' getting triggered by the dumbest shit


Yup, living in echo chambers thinking everyone agrees with their twisted way of thinking.


What makes you think it's Republicans booing? Who goes to College Football Games?


He/she/it is probably just another brainwashed liberal who believes what the media tells them. Don't they have a statue to take down today?


How dare we take down statues of confederate leaders who fought to keep slavery!!!


How would you know anything about that? Isn't all that redacted from your leftist textbooks?


Nice deflection bro. Try again.

Also, this comment is even more hilarious considering you worship the most ridiculous book ever written.


Again, I'm glad you're too smart for God. I'll pray for you.

As for personality flaws, mocking people's faith would be pretty high on the list especially since your faith and what you worship is as ridiculous as any.

P.S. I don't worship a book, idiot. Your ignorance is staggering.


uh, is this a joke? because it is hard to tell. everyone knows conversavites and rednecks love their football. you seriously think it is liberals booing for liberal rights??? lol!!! oh yeah, just flocks of skinny jeans hipsters getting their season pass tickets at alabama! you would know this if you were a real conservative, and not some incel who votes red because you played call of duty and got rejected by girls at school.

and besides, the game in question was an nfl game, not a college game. know your facts and logic!


so why was it the liberal whites that demanded baseball and football teams to change their names, if the motherfuckers don't even care about sports?

oh yeah right, they just love to piss and moan about non important stuff.
and even get offended on someone elses behalf !

and they see racism everywhere, only because they themselves are the biggest fucking racists on the planet.


literally nobody wanted names of sports teams to change. nfl and mlb teams did it because they THOUGHt people would get offended. same with speedy gonzales getting cancelled because the white tv executives thought it would offend mexicans, when actually mexicans loved speedy gonzales and were very upset when it got cancelled.

and yes i am sure you can find a few buzzcut/blue lipstick trans people boycotting the redskins name. just like you can find righties boycott gay marriages. you act like this represents EVERYONE on the left. I guess inbred bucktoothed KKK represent all of the right?


literally nobody wanted names of sports teams to change"

sorry, many liberal white left wingers wanted to get rid of everything related to Indians.

ESPN ran articles almost daily.
journalists are pure shit, and they are 90% white libs


oh yeah lets make it an anti-native american conspiracy okay

you sound like a big snowflake yourself, gettin all triggered and such


You sound like a brainwashed, fringe kook leftist who hasn't a clue.


You call someone “brainwashed” yet you believe in the sky wizard who will send you to an eternity of endless unfathomable torture, even though he loves you.


Shut your ass, loser. You have no idea what you're talking about.


You already told me to shut my ass maybe a week or so ago. You still have not come over to do that for me, big boy.


Sure, tough guy. I keep telling you to shut your ass because you keep talking out of it.


I’m showing this conversation to your preacher.


Got for it. I'm very happy that you're too smart for God. I hope it works out for you..


I’m not too smart. I just use common sense and hate hypocritical idiot Christians who preach brotherly love while belittling children on this website who share different opionions than their own. Checkmate, libtard.


Good for you and I'm as far from a libtard as one could get. I'm surprised that in your stalking me, you don't know this.


When denoting basic personality flaws is”stalking” haha, okay.


And you're the arbiter of "personality flaws"? Start by looking in the mirror. That'll keep you quite busy and occupied.


Never said I was perfect. My parole officer and 6 psychotherapists would bouch for me. Jokes aside, just cant stand Christian bullies. That’s you, the righteous christian bully. How do you feel?


You got it all wrong, leftist.

Mocking other's faith is actual bullying.


Are you retarded? Democrats are condemning the Afghan pullout.

They chanted at three or more games. Know your facts!

WTF, "skinny jeans hipsters"? Take your meds.


lOL wow you definetly got triggered there. sorry i offended you so much. i think the better question is ARE YOU RETARDED because nobody brought up afghanistan. we were talking about football, bro. tell me what does afghanistan have to do with football? and does "skinny jeans hipsters" upset you or something? need your safespace after that one?

and what meds do you recommend because you are clearly in a psyche ward. nice that the asylum has computers and wifi, tho.


"nobody brought up afghanistan. we were talking about football, bro."

Oh, right, they chanted "Fuck Biden" because he cannot play football. Such logic, much brains.


To be fair, Bernie Sanders actually did play college football was still portrayed as some soft-handed sissy marry by the right-winged media.


reading is very hard, true. take your time next time and read verrryyyy slooowwwllyyyy bro


I don't how hard is reading for you, but understanding IS obviously very hard ;)


You just proved you ARE retarded. Both sides hate Biden for Afghan pullout. Take you meds or STFU!


thank you for telling me what afghanistan has to do with football! now i know it all. your crazy pills are truly working. your personal assistant would be proud.


Again, are you that retarded to think that people shout "Fuck Joe Biden" because ... something related to football?


This is not about football either, how dare they???


It’s because he’s the most popular unelected president in history.


The entire world chants for Brandon.


This guy had 81m vote for him 🙄
