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Daily reminder: thank God for Joe Biden.

Fat Donnie was turning the USA into a COVID ravage wasteland. Thank God that President Biden saved us from The Trump Virus.


After four years of Fat Donnie and The Trump Family Crime Syndicate, thank God for President Biden.


Another day saying this fucking asshole is an asshole. Fuck him, you libs, fags, trannys and the FULGBTHBFCDEZDGH mental cases! Oh and your pig Kamala has had more more cocks in her that the urinal at the Rose Bowl.


Thank God that President Biden spanked Fat Donnie in '20. But Fat Donnie is like The Bubonic Plague--we need to prevent him.


After four years of Fat Donnie, President Biden seems like George Washington. Thank God for President Biden!


Another day to say fuck this piece of shit, his PIG wife, his dope addict son and mental health nightmare daughter.


That's not completely accurate: Melanoma Trump is as dumb as a bowling ball, but she is attractive in a skanky hooker porn star way; Barron's autism was hereditary and not caused by drugs; and as for Iskanka Trump: you'd have mental health problems also if Fat Donnie Trump had molested you while you were in your formative years, like he did to Iskanka.


Thank God for President Biden!


After four years of Dementia Donnie and The Trump Family Crime Syndicate, President Biden seems like George Washington. Thank God for Joe Biden!
