MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden violated a kid

Sleepy Creepy Pedo Joe is at it again.

Liberal Democrat Socialists and leftists just yawn.


jeez - you'd think he would have stopped by now - yet, here we are - a minor attracted person on display for all -


It's really gross to make this perverted. Why try SO hard to make his playful affection nasty, it speaks to where your minds are at.


I wouldn't call it gross.... just plain weird.


It's weird that people are trying to turn it into pedophilia.


It is.


Because the effin' lefturds make a big fuzz about even the quietest farts of DJT...
But then, the current left owes it's whole existence to kiddie fiddling and inbreeding.


So it's a petty tit for tat?


Well, I really don't want to belong to THIS left anymore... 🙄


A. Trump is a obese man who lives off Big Macs and KFC chicken skins, so no way he ever farts quietly.
B. There were plenty of massive and moderate red flags with Trump, so the small stuff was noted, but never what people went after him for.


this isn't as bad as his boob groping of minors caught on camera, now that was fucked...


It was creepy and nasty as shit. If I walked up to some lady and started gobbling and sniffing the kid she was holding, men would wrestle me to the ground and hold me for the authorities. Why does this gross old fart get a pass?


Now that IS creepy! What the hell's the matter with that man??


And he has the SS right there with him to make sure he can do whatever the hell he wants to a little child. If you're the parent and you attempt to do something about it, you'll be throttled, then arrested and charged by the Biden DOJ. So the parents have to stand there and smile and take selfies, because what else can they do?


Biden is just a little window into the Democrat party/media of child rape and murder.

It’s why they aren’t bothered by this.

It’s why they’re silent about Sound of Feeedom.

It’s why they push for laws that legalize post birth abortion.

It’s why vote down laws in CA that make child trafficking a felony.

It’s why they voted for this well known pedophile.

The video is indisputable. Their track record is indisputable.

If you want to vote Democrat fine, support a party that promotes the rape and murder of children. Own it. It is what it is.

There are 2 types of people in the world. Those who love and protect children, and Democrats.


I wouldn't say they are quiet about Sound of Freedom. In fact, it appears they are shouting from the rooftops against the movie and encouraging people to avoid it. They are having a full-on conniption fit melt-down over the film.


You are fucked in the head demonizing democrats as child abusers. Especially with the reputation that the religious right has for raping children.


Wasn't Bill Clinton on Epstein's "friends" list?


So that means All Democrats are child abusers? What an idiot.


It is just ONE well known name on the list. I guess if they publish the whole list the US will become a one-party-only country...
Idiot? You should continue your discussion with Millsey... 😂🤣


The Religious Right members have been systematically raping children for centuries and you are trying to act like the only people to go to that island were democrats, how fucking dumb are you?

I know Millsey is simple but everyone can be educated.


There is a reason why people don't vote for the kiddie fiddling demrats party. Nobody is talking about "the religious right" from centuries ago. It is about what your kind is doing TODAY.


My 'kind'? Get a grip. Sexual perversion doesn't have a party first of all, second, you think that kids aren't rampantly being raped by church leaders today? You are just being ridiculous. Calling Biden a pedophile for this just shows how sick minded you are that you turn it sexual. That's super gross.


It is not the first time this happens to Brandon. Doesn't he have any advisors? True: The catholic church has ignored this for a very long time. And finally stopped it.
And yes, your party is known for longer as the kiddie-fiddler-party. Get over it.


Believe what ever you want but all of this back biting and hate is destroying our world.


Hate? No, just disgust. And my world will not be destroyed that easily.


Your hate and disgust isn't helping anyone, you are being USED by media to hate and divide.


Again: I don't hate! But wait, you are American? So there is nothing but boring black&white thinking? Poor culture...


You are being hateful, if you can't see that you are willfully BLIND. That is a huge problem.


You are an idiot. THAT'S the only problem.


Great comeback, if you can't reflect - deflect! Right?!


Pearls before swine...


The complete loss of sanity from the left is destroying our world. Convincing kids lop off body parts is destroying our world. Teaching sexuality to minors is destroying our world. Teaching that masculinity is toxic is destroying our world. Teaching that gender doesn't exist is destroying our world. Teaching women that they are oppressed in the freest society in the world is destroying our world (Go to the middle east if you want to see true female oppression) letting biological males dress, go to the bathroom and compete in female sports is destroying our world. These are all rallying cries of the left- your party. You are helping to destroy this world. It's sane people that are trying to stop the aforementioned madness.


Your HATE is tearing us apart.


You are either a troll or incredibly naive. Either way I have stated the problem.


He went to the island at least 30x. It wasn’t for orange smoothies.


Why did Trump go?


Trump didn’t go. He’s not Epstein flight logs. Clinton was on there 30x.

Any questions?


Yeah, I have a question... where are you getting your info? I've glanced through the 118 page logs, and Trump is definitely in there.


According to the linked article Trump used Epstein's jet only for flights between Miami and NYC. The island is part of the Virgins...


Check the logs. He's in there over something like 4-5 years, and more than just Miami and NYC.


I am not that obsessed to check any logs...


Lots of people have checked the logs. I don't think it's obsession, but to each his own. Bottom line is that Trump went to Epstein Island just like Clinton did.


I guess he didn't go for orange smoothies.


Just cited multiple instances. Let me know when the conservative right defends pedos, church or not.


You cited multiple LIES. The conservative right defends the church all the time no matter how many times they get caught with child pornography.


Everything I cited has happened, and is not debated

Time to go educate yourself.

Defending the church, is not defending pedofiles. It’s defending the church. Just like Defending the existence of congress, isn’t defending pedo Biden. No conservatives have defended pedos.

The Democrat party/media and their lemmings, are attacking the Sound of Freedom. They did just vote down laws that would make child trafficking a felony. They have passed laws in multiple states legalizing post birth abortion. As in killing the baby, after it was born, and healthy. Democrats do promote drag show story hours, child pornography, tranny parades for kids, and child mutilation.

Own it.


No it hasn't, you've been either lied to by the media or are twisting it. I am a liberal and I don't agree with any of the things you posted. The fact that you can't see the false flags is worrying.


The fact that you don't own what your party is doing and deny that it is happening is worrying.

You must be a troll.


He is a troll.


I figured. It takes some time to tell sometimes.


You’re a joke. Like all Democrats. You can go ahead and move on to your next sock account.


Dems just can't leave the kids alone..


