Was he stupid?

Or not, thanks.


Just a war criminal. And, like most people in politics, got there because he was a sheltered, spoiled brat. We get president after president who just "fail upward" because people aren't that smart and are willing to put in idiot after idiot. And I think that Bush, Jr., Trump and Biden are easily among the worst presidents we have ever had in this country.


We had Peace & Prosperity under Trump along with gasoline at an average of $2.39 a gallon and as low as $1.75, something you'll never see under the Biden Administration, not to mention, the Economy under Trump was Rock solid until March of 2020 when the Communist Democrat Party unleashed Covid to basically watch the Country burn and go down the toilet one day at a time.. It's true..


Trump and Biden are both lousy presidents, in different ways. Trump demonized science and let hundreds of thousands die for no reason. He shares his need for a high body count with Bush, Jr. who got over 100,000 civilians killed with his Iraq War. Biden is busy with his endless floods of illegal immigrants pouring in to our country and screwing around overseas with things that have no purpose while leaving our nation open to invasion. Meanwhile, people, naturally, only care about their wallets and what happens to them personally.


That's if you really believe for a second that hundreds of thousands died from this hoax virus just because Fauci and Biden said so and you're never allowed to Question this, never allowed to disagree with it, otherwise, you're a threat to Democracy and that's Bullshit.. I don't buy for 1 second that amount of people died from this because I'm not a sheep like YOU and the rest of the Liberal herd are


Oh, you're one of THEM. Figures. Back to your cave.


Yeah, I'm one of THEM: Not vaccinated, feel Fantastic and not a sheep that falls for anything Fauci or this crooked Administration say about it and perhaps you should do the same?? Unless you can prove to me that hundreds of thousands of people died from this, just because they say so?? I'm not buying it


Is your bunker well stocked for the apocalypse you pray for? 😂


I mean, you come back with a remark like this and never answered my Question: Can you unequivocally prove that hundreds of thousands of people died from Covid-19, just because Biden and Fauci & the CDC said so?? Well?? How about it?? Joe Biden stated I would be dead most likely if I didn't succumb to the "Jab" and damn it all if I'm not here still and feel great and that goes against everything this Administration stood for..


Standard Troll Post. "Answer my batshit-crazy question." Yawn.


Standard Troll Reply. "I have no answer for your question, therefore, I deflect"


Standard Troll Reaction. You all are so predictable.


78% of those supposed deaths were obese. The average age of dead was higher than the average life expectancy, 77.3 years. If you died in a car accident, but had covid, it was counted as a covid death. The deaths of those hospitalized was likely due to the ventilators ripping their lungs open, moreso than the actual covid. Those who got the vaccine were just as likely to contract or transmit the virus. Pfizer admitted they didn't even test whether it stopped transmission. The original formula was only tested on 8 mice. The formula we got wasn't tested, and the mRNA for it was generated from E. coli instead of DNA. Even the inventor of the mRNA technology denounced the vaccine. It supposedly did reduce symptoms, but that was only needed if you had an at-risk immune system. Webster's dictionary had to change the definition of "vaccine" to keep up with misuse. You don't know the science. Come at me.


Confirm that you lied about everything you typed by replying to this message.


Good job, science denier.


Confirm for us that you are a Chinese spy operative by saying that I lost the debate already.


It's almost like you lost the debate already.


Make some stupid comment about trolling.


It's almost like you suck at trolling as much as you suck at making a point.


Say something really stupid, like I'm scared to debate you.


I love how you're scared to debate me.


Now, say something that confirms you have the mind of a five year old.


I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off'a me and sticks to you. See how easy it is to win an argument against you?


Not exactly stupid. More like intellectually incurious. Although I'd like to believe he's dumb as a rock he's probably just slightly below average in regards to intelligence.


Is a lack of curiosity another way of saying stupid at some level?


I've never used it that way. There may be a correlation between curiosity and intelligence but it would be flawed thinking to equate the two.


I think it fundamentally true. The world has never been static. Everything is changing all the time. New things are appearing. New ideas. New techniques. And so on. If you aren't asking questions, aren't learning all the time, you're falling behind and eventually are becoming stupid.


You get in "trouble" making broad generalizations and assertions. By your reasoning, plucking any intellectual giant from history and placing them in the present day would automatically make them idiots.

Plato, Euclid, and Da Vinci (among thousands of others) would like a word.


Of course they would be like idiots today. Completely agree.




Can't speak any language being commonly spoken today.
Cannot read the omnipresent Latin letters.
No idea how to operate a car, phone, computer, Internet, television...
No idea about any developments in art, math or philosophy over the past several centuries.

By the way, I never found much of use in Plato. Sure it was impressive for its time, but that was very long ago. Even though he too was long ago, it was one President John Adams who wrote "I never learned anything from Plato except for a cure for the hiccoughs." And he was more positive on him than Jefferson was.

Euclid was probably not a real person or the writer of his Geometry. Rather it has become clear that it is a copy of a document with content that had accumulated over a very long time from many different hands.


No way! Only a genius would say something like this ~

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully"


But then I also mean, his IQ, how he speaks etc. :)



Let's look at it this way: his biggest achievements didn't include filling adult diapers, sniffing children, swimming naked in the White House pool, giving our military equipment to our enemies and abandoning people overseas twice, shaking hands with ghosts on stage, wandering off stage during press conferences, asking about dead people during press conferences, getting rich through illegal dealings overseas, failing to fool anyone into thinking his son was not a cokehead, and calling his daughter "his son." Any questions?


So in a word American Girl, I would assume that in your opinion, briefly speaking, the answer is "Yes". Correct?


In a word, no. Joe Biden is the dumb one.


Don't forget that he never said - twice in one day - that his son died in Iraq when he (tragically) died of a brain tumor.


No, though he probably damaged his brain by using so many drugs and alcohol. Also not great verbally. Expressing himself could be a challenge for both him and his father.

Unlike his father, his biggest challenges were seeing the big picture and empathy.


I day yes! He is stupid. Starting a 20 year war in the Middle East at the behest of Israel. Tax payers paid out trillions for it.
However Biden is a bigger moron and swindler.
