MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > I HOPE SHE RUNS AGAIN IN 2020


What an AWESOME candidate to run against President Trump! There is NO WAY she could lose again. I think everyone believes that she deserves one more chance to get to the White House! I'm with her, AGAIN! Please run one more time! (Lol!).


YES and make Elizabeth Warren or Maxine Waters her running mate.


Oh Maxine Waters PLEASE! LOL.



I'm sure there will be a few candidates running for POTUS in 2020. Most likely Dumpy will will be gone before then hopefully.


The way that President Trump's poll numbers are rising and the ever improving economy, both nationally and at the dinner table bode well for President Trump's re-election and possible ascension to King of America. That's a lifetime title, but never fear, when he does finally step aside, Ivanka can take over for him.




So she can be crushed and humiliated this time?


Well gee in my neck of the woods her 3million + popular vote would have gotten her the presidency. See that's called one person one vote. Unlike the archaic Electoral College that says doesn't matter who got the popular vote, a bunch of people are going to decide the election. So no, she didn't get crushed or humiliated. Everyone knows what happened here and it had to do with Russia.


You probably were not whining about the EC when Bill Clinton and Obama were elected twice a piece were you? No, I did not think so.


Considering I'm Canadian I don't really have a dog in the fight. However, considering in both elections Bill Clinton and Barack Obama won both the Electoral College and the popular vote, the stars aligned correctly. Like I said here in Canada it's one person one vote. None of this ridiculous crap of a certain set of electors get to decide. And we use paper ballots here. You mark it with and X put it in the box and go about your day. None of this machine crap..... Oh wait, in the recent election for the Ontario Premiere, some machines were used and they as per usual fucked up and gave the Conservative more votes. Considering too that he met with people attached to the Trump campaign that sort of makes it all kinds of wrong. Same thing happened in 2004 when members of the Bush/Cheney team including Karl Rove and others met in a closed door meeting with candidate Stephen Harper (conservative) and suddenly a lot of monkey business happened that night that caused then Prime Minister Paul Martin to be overthrown. Interesting factoid here is that Martin had denied troops and our peacekeepers to Bush when he went to war in Iraq, but we did send ours to Afghanistan after 9/11 as part of the coalition force. But interesting that Martin was "voted out" and as soon as Harper (Bush's boy) was in he signed an order to send Canadian troops to Iraq..... Gee, wonder how that might have happened?


You either believe in the EC or you don't. I do and we can go back and forth over the US Founding Fathers' intent but I believe the EC serves a purpose today which is to keep a select few cities from controlling the country. The worst examples of the past being Tammany Hall in New York and the Chicago Machine in Chicago where a corrupt few wielded disproportionate power. The US is not perfect nor is any other government past or present but I'll take the US over any of them and work to fix the problems.

Ironically, I agree with you on new election tools as there is a greater chance of fraud in my mind versus the old sign in and pull the lever method.

We are not going to agree on the mindset of intervention of the US throughout the world. It's been anything but perfect but I would like to think that the US collectively has done more good than harm. Canadians are interesting. I think that your hands off approach is due in large part to being a major beneficiary of the Monroe Doctrine from nearly two centuries ago. You never had to go to the mat militarily because Canadians knew that the US would never sit still for an invasion of Canada historically. Also, you were lucky that William Seward decided that the US should own Alaska which cut off one invasion route. All of this came to be via the American taxpayer which I am one of. I should write the Canadian Parliament requesting one day a year that Canada honors the US taxpayer.


Have one person one vote and no one city/state owns the one ring. See how this works and problem solved. But we did go to the mat militarily because something the United States tends to forget, Canada was in on both wars from the onset with our Commonwealth countries. In The Great War, Canadian blood was being spilled for two whole years before America entered after the sinking of the Lusitania. In WWII it took Pearl Harbour for the United States to finally decide to enter. They never enter for the good of the world, only when American interests are hit. So for both wars British, Canadian, French, Australian, Italian, Africa and others were hot and heavy in both wars and when the United States enters suddenly they want all the glory and all laurels and rose petals just for that entry. In the meantime those countries that were there from the beginning have shed gallons of blood. So no, we Canadians have done our duty to the world. Not to forget our Peacekeepers go in to help refugees and help in aid to those battle torn countries. So no, the Americans should give praise and have a holiday called Commonwealth Day in order to celebrate those countries that shed more blood before the "Glorious" Americans decided to get off their asses and enter both wars.

Would you like me to go into all the reasons America is a shit hole country for what it did to Southeast Asia during the 1945-1975 Vietnam War? Or how about leveling two cities in Japan with the A-Bomb? Nah, that might cause you to go apoplectic.


I guess that you fail to understand my concern in that having large blocks of voters in few locations invites abuse via political machines. No doubt those who have designs on power have learned the lessons of the past including not operating in the open but rather in the shadows with identity politics voters being the new sought after super group.

Nobody questions the heart of any given Canadian military person but you guys were in the wars early primarily because of the Commonwealth rather than being truly independent and then making a decision. Even counting the Lusitania incident I question that the good of the world was at stake during WWI. You had one power in Britain that felt threatened by the rise of another power in Germany. Quite a few felt that the terms of surrender for WWI planted the seeds for WWII and until Hitler committed atrocities and went beyond traditional spheres of German influence many considered it a European problem. Further, I think that the traditional powers of Britain, France, and Russia considered it theirs to determine how Germany was handled preferring that non-European powers silently go along with them.

You still do not address the fact that Canada never had to raise a military commensurate with its geographical size due to the Monroe Doctrine. The Commonwealth would have proved insufficient to hold off foreign advances especially if the British homeland was threatened. Canada would have been ripe for the taking after WWII for the Soviets if the US was not in the way. I still would like an annual day of appreciation for American taxpayers who built battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines, long range bombers and fighters, and ICBM's to give Canada's would be aggressors sufficient pause that taking Canada would come at a very steep price.

Would you like me to give reason why Britain of whom you owe an allegiance is a shit hole country for what it did to Africa, the Middle East, and SE Asia to name a few


places? Unfortunately, we were in SE Asia to help a European power (France) maintain its colonial power. Further complicated by the issue of the US needing to maintain a missile base on European soil. Without said missiles the Europeans would have been laid vulnerable to Soviet aggression. Had the European run their affairs better and not felt the need to exploit places such as SE Asia the US would have had no need to be there.


The electoral college saved us from having a crooked, incompetent sociopath (Clinton) elected mainly by California and New York. The electoral college makes sure that every state has a say.





I don't think running from prison is allowed, but for her they will likely make an exception.


Assuming she doesn’t kill herself I say go for it


I do hope she RUNS, as in runs really fast with a pack of hyenas or jackals chasing her. But then again, they'd probably let her go. Animals don't usually attack their own kind. Professional courtesy and all that.


That and the fact if they actually ate her they'd probably barf.


Even if she was "locked up" it would be in Club Fed.


"Run" ? She's lucky she can walk ! 🍸


"Run" ? She's lucky she can walk ! 🍸

You read my mind 🤣


And not collapse like a sack of potatoes!



She didn't lose.

But I say enough is enough.


Hilary won the popular vote. What I don't understand is how the sham Electoral College system was put into place. Popular Vote = no bs and 100% fair.


Maybe they should teach real history in school!


That couldnt happen.
Then people'd realize the crap they have as a government.


She didnt win cuz Putin Rigid that shit.


What I don't understand is how the sham Electoral College system was put into place.

It's a sham because you never learned civics in school or you just can't grasp the brilliance of it. Popular vote is two wolves and a sheep voting what to have for dinner. We are NOT a democracy, we are a Constitutional Democratic Republic. Still, we need to elect officials to ensure the Constitution is upheld and deal with the minor details of running day to day life. The founding fathers knew that we needed to have voting, but that voting also carries it's own disease - hence the Electoral College. The U.S. is country of united states (that's where the name comes from), and having populous states with one way of thinking doesn't serve justice to other states whose way of life may be different if we're just counting total votes. So what we do is count states as single entities.

Overall across the country, Trump won 2600 counties and Clinton won less than 500. That's why there's an electoral college.

It's brilliant, and has worked in BOTH parties favor at one time or another.

Either Clinton was dumb or Trump was smart but the way that candidates campaign has an effect on the outcome. Trump spent time campaigning in the states that he knew he needed to win. Clinton thought the election was bought and paid for and didn't.


Excellent summary. I lament not being a billionaire for I would post a reward of a few million dollars for somebody's recording of Hillary's meltdown at her campaign headquarters after it was determined she lost the 2016 election. You know somebody someplace has something they pulled into their I-phone while being at Clinton headquarters that night but for the risk of going public with that they would need to be well compensated so they can slip out of public view.


Since you're so smart, what about Gerrymandering? The practice can't corrupt your brilliant and beloved system?


Yeah, that's a problem. But if we keep the Dems in check we can minimize the damage they do by trying to redistrict. Thanks for pointing that out. No system is perfect.


I'm sure Republicans are the ones that started that bs. Democrars have to fight back, eye for an eye.


What an excellent and intelligent post, strntz!



But that argument doesn't really hold water. There are millions of Republican and Independents who didn't bother to vote because they live in a Blue State, and figured that the Democrat would win the State as usual.



Every state has a say with the electoral college. Otherwise California and New York would decide every election for the end of time, and voter turnout would disappear. You unbelievable moron.


Yeah actually she did. Sorry.



if she had she'd be in the oval.


Thank God she's not! The USA would be fucked for sure if she were.



The Republicans are wishing they could change their votes right about now.


I hope so too, except all of Trump's supporters will swear-in Emperor Trump into permanent office before she can run again. All Trump's supporters believe he should be above the law and free from prosecution.


Now when you make a ridiculous statement like "Emperor Trump into permanent office", you lose all credibility.

And just like Crooked Hillary's supporters think she should be above the law and free from prosecution.



Trump is guilt-free? LOL. Ask all the people he hires and then refuses to pay. This is just one example.

All you need to do is look at all the changes Trump has attempted to make permanent, to see he wishes to be just like comrade Putin. The only reason he isn't emperor right now is from all the push-back.

I can see you're just another Trump supporter that blindly follows your President. No politician is innocent, but Hillary wasn't the only politician using email the exact same way. Only hardcore Trump supporters keep on drumming on old fake news.


Did I say he was guilt free? Nobody is guilt free. However, Trump is no where NEAR as crooked and dishonest as Hillary. Honestly I don't think anyone is.

And speaking of changes being made permanent, that's what your boy Obummer tried to do, but it didn't work because thank god we have term limits. And whatever a President does by Executive Order, the next President can undo. So if you Libs get a President next time, that's EXACTLY what he/she will do, so don't even attempt to deny it.

And yes, no pol is totally honest or innocent, but the NOBODY is. Crooked Hillary committed major crimes and got off because of the politicization of the DOJ and the FBI. If you or I had done what she did, we'd be in jail right now.

And I suppose you didn't blindly follow Obummer when he tried to destroy this country? And the news from the MSM IS fake. They lie, distort or ignore the news to suit their agenda. Only Fox News, Talk Radio and some sources on the Internet tell the truth. The MSM are a bunch of lying bastards. They have NO interest in honestly reporting the news. Their ONLY agenda is to take down Trump, Republicans and Conservatives. They don't just lean Left, they ARE The Left.



And here is a musical list of her crimes:

