MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > What would this world be like today if H...

What would this world be like today if Hillary Clinton became president in 2016?

I sometimes wonder about that.


The right would've enacted a civil war because they cannot handle facts and other people's opinions or beliefs. Trump goes to twitter and complains that his election was rigged and got stolen from him; even though he has no proof or solid evidence, every single-celled Republican blindly believes him. Conservatives take Sharpies and draw fake bullseyes on their foreheads to symbolize how they really feel (even though nobody is targetting them). The White House Insurrection of Jan 5 happens three years earlier in this timeline. Thousands of redneck Trump zombies (who suddenly don't have to clock into their jobs and coincidently all got the day off, of course) storm the white house and assassinate Clinton in the name of Trump, the second coming of Christ. War breaks out, all hells is loose.

The Bible Belt states secedes from the USA and, while they're at it, they decide to bring back slavery because remember, they aren't racist or anything, right? The right then create concentration camps for anyone gay, trans, liberal or they/them in their new CSA. 7 million innocent people are murdered. An additional 10 million black slaves are murdered in forced labor, and an additional 15 million Mexican-Americans are slaughtered because they're taking away too many jobs. Women are reduced to second class citizens and every male in the CSA is forced to become deer hunting, truck driving, football playing alpha males, or face the death penalty. College is made illegal, and instead, every citizen must receive an OSHA or a Class-CDL license. Trump is voted into an eternal term in office as the CSA's Overlord. Trump creates a caste system in which all males are ranked in society by height, muscle definition, Aryan resemblance, and penis size. All men under 6'3 and 250 pounds, 3% body fat are second-class citizens, and any male infant projected to be shorter than 5'7 at full adult height is gassed to death.

But hey, at least they don't have no sammich-makin vagina-haver in office.


Hard to say, but I do know that the MAGAts would STILL be crying over a "stolen election."


Hey, it's not like the 2020 Election where they concocted Covid to not only get Trump out of the White House, but use this as a way to win the election, right?? And of course, the usual "Show me the evidence" in 3 2 1


The country would be better off. She had more clout coming out of the senate than Obama. What is happening now is a repuke of a Black president by racist white folks! They trying everything to tear up the country. Just think back to Obama wearing a tan suit. Look how that enraged the racist white folks! Just so pathetic and now the country is a fvcking joke!


Any male accused of Rape no matter how long ago, it could even be several decades, and you're automatically Guilty before you prove your innocence without any credible evidence other than the he said, she said defense....... Oh wait.. We already have this under the Biden Administration
