MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > What would this world be like today if H...

What would this world be like today if Hillary Clinton became president in 2016?

I sometimes wonder about that.


Dark clouds not allowing any sunlight through. Wide spread poverty and the WH for sale to foreign interests. Research accelerated for a means for human reproduction to occur without males involved in the process.


We would be building floating cities made out of emeralds right now


Every bit as shitty as it is under Biden, but in some different ways.


Different, that's for sure.

Hillary, for all the things she's accused of doing, she has ALWAYS been a warrior for people. Even that fuckwit who is roasting his tiny white nuts in hell, kenneth starr admitted that BOTH Clintons actually CARED ABOUT HELPING PEOPLE.

I guess to "conservative", down-home-'muricans, that means "enemy"... until they need disaster aid, or medicaid, or any other kind of assistance from BLUE states... like texass when their RED politicians FUCKED their infrastructure and a freeze happened...

Yeah, it'd be different.


That's hard to believe.
Clinton was famous for starting wars as SoS.
She also had her own agenda and failed to do what Obama told her to do.
We on the Left talk about how unhealthy Trump is, but one thing is for sure,
Hillary Clinton is an out of shape tub of lard.
I remember noting in the debates how she was so fat and probably never
exercised yet she used to where those fluorescent red, white or blue parachute pants suits.
And the videos of her looking in very bad shape.
She was not Presidential material - more so than Biden, but the Dem establishment thought
it was her time.
I wish she and Bill would just go away - and take the Bidens and Obama with them.
We need new blood in the Democratic party, and bureaucrats that allow there to be real
democracy. Both parties are a joke as far as working for or representing the people.
They only talk.


Then your problem is the voters, not the politicians.

Voters are stupid. They waste their votes on RFK jr, and a fat chump named trump because they are afraid of someone like Bernie... they BELIEVE what they are told, do no research, and can't wait to "keep up with the kardashians" and vote for the "popular" fuck.

The voter is the issue.

There are candidates for US - better than what we've seen, but they are accused of being "commies" or wanting to "destroy america".



Actually, the voters went for Bernie in a big way - and the DNC rules F'ed him over with the unDemocratic Super-delegates. If we had a democratic Democratic Party Bernie would just be ending his second term.

But also, the voters are only as good as their education and news information, and we can see from the heavy handed pressure for all media to lie and support the war in Ukraine that we have no independent media.


Not only "the war in Ukraine", but other issues...

As for the "war"... you can't hope and pray a POS like Putin will do right.

You have to stop him, and the last pres we had wanted to "make deals" in russia... so there was NO HOPE for putin being stopped by anyone with that ass hole in office.

Russia's collapsing anyway... their economy and that of China's too, is falling.... US WILL WIN the "peace"... so all the bellyaching being done for funding in Ukraine is all "political"... don't fall for that shite!

Biden is WORLDS better than the alternative... I don't see how ANYONE votes republicaan unless they been LIED TO.


You need to question your assumptions about Putin and Russia.
I agree about not voting for Trump, but Trump's awfulness does not make Biden
right about Ukraine. The thing is that the intelligence groups have been working
this for decades to pull Ukraine away from Russia, and eventually attack Russia.
Russia has not been expanding and has even tried cooperating with the US, but
some things never change. With another War On Terror on the horizon it was
complete idiocy to blow our money on Ukraine when the real danger to international
stability is the Middle East.
You should take a look at John Mearsheimer's YouTube video FROM BEFORE THE
UKRAINE WAR about how the West is to blame for this crisis, and very stupid.


Putin is not a harmless nothing. And it is WRONG what he is doing in Ukraine.

I will check that youtube link, but please don't pretend Putin ISN'T a wannabe megalomaniac.
I don't give a shit at what AMERICAN intel was doing. You're talking about a segment that has experimented on its own people, functioned in its own country, which is illegal btw, and done all sorts of dastardly shit in South America and Central America.

The middle East has NEVER stopped being a "threat". You add to that an Israel which is divided, and "stuck" with a conservative hypocrite pig like "bibi" for the last 30 years, and you knew, at least I did, that this current shit was going to happen. I'm sure American Intel did too.

These aren't assumptions. I know it makes you and almost everyone else in here giddy to point and state that as if it strengthens YOUR argument, but it doesn't make it so.

Fuck russia.

I am from Brooklyn. I know what trash they have sent here because I have seen it with my own eyes. Just because they are caucasian doesn't mean they aren't rapists.


It's the US who was moving on Ukraine by couping their government and Russia was just protecting Crimea, an asset since the 1600s. Russia was not expanding, and all we heard about it the news that you seems to buy into was a lie. Anyway. not wasting time replying to a war-mongering twit who does't know anything but how to blather like Trump.


That's very hurtful.





What would this world be like today if Hillary Clinton became president in 2016?"

Alot like it is now, just much sooner and for the worse


Watch the movie "The Road" and that's basically where we would be.



The Road but more depressing.


Trump delayed their plans.

If she had won, things would have been much worse than they are now.


Good question.
I think it would be better, but just a different but less urgent and volatile problems.
On the other hand we might have had more wars.
What a lose-lose proposition for the American people the 2016 election was.
