MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > Will She Run Again ?

Will She Run Again ?

2024 U.S. presidential election

The 2024 United States presidential election will be the 60th quadrennial presidential election, scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024. It will be the first presidential election after electoral votes are redistributed according to the post–2020 census reapportionment.

Hillary Clinton will for sure WIN


No, she won't run. I think she has enough embarrassment. She will forever be known for Monica Lewinsky, and the one who lost to Donald Trump.


Too old, and her approval ratings haven’t improved enough


Hillary Clinton is not too old to run for President. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both older than Hillary Clinton.


Her likely Republican opponent in 2024 would be Trump. And I agree, that all of them, Clinton & Biden & Trump are too old to begin a term as President. But 78-year-old Biden broke that age ceiling in 2020. So really, geriatrics is no longer a barrier.

I bet she's kicking herself that she didn't run in 2020. Any Democrat could have beaten Trump in 2020.

I'm a Democrat and I've never been a Clinton fan. But considering the doddering decrepitude of Biden, I believe Clinton is both competent and dynamic. That's something we lack in Biden.


I'm betting it will be DeSantis.


If DeSantis beats Trump for the Republican nomination, I think Trump will run as a third party candidate. You know Trump doesn't accept defeat. In a threeway race, DeSantis & Trump & a Democrat, the Democrat wins, whoever it is.


That's true, any Democrat could have beaten Trump in 2020, but not if it had been a fair election. Get rid of two-month voting periods, mail-in ballots, and ballot harvesting, and instate voter ID, and Dems won't have such a sure thing anymore.


True, voter ID and mail-in ballots tend to favor Democrats because their voters tend to be poorer, blacker and more uneducated than Republicans. But you do realize that voter ID was used in the South to intimidate blacks from voting, right? It gave too much discretion to the poll workers on who could and could not vote.

However, Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes. C'mon, the results were legit.

Remember that in times of economic crisis like the Great Depression, or a health crisis like the Covid Pandemic in 2020, Democrats have an edge because people want the Nanny State to intervene.

Remember also that Clinton beat Trump in 2016 by the popular vote, but lost the Electoral College.


I guess I get to use the Frankenstein Monster analogy for a second time in less than 5 minutes on the same website. She is not going away despite the improbability on the surface. Why would the devil want a minion taken out of commission versus terrorizing a new election? In all seriousness she craves power more than any human being currently alive and eligible to run for office. The only way she does not run is her health incapacitates her. She sat out 2020 as a second loss to Trump would have been the only way she would have been dissuaded from a future run. It had to kill her inside but there was nothing she could do short of literally killing Trump to win in 2020. Not all the cheat in the world could have put her over the top. I put the odds at better than 2/3 with only a health issue or impending criminal revelation stopping her. She will also get Chelsea in as a Congress representative.


Chelsea? Now there's an absolutely useless human being.


Let's hope not!


gonna replace Joe


People respond to her, she is well liked. Pro Israel. Pro war. Pro Blackrock. Things Americans like.


It would be hilarious to see Biden get replaced by Hilary only to have her lose the Presidency for a 3rd time.
