MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > The Right Will Hate Whoever Is Democrati...

The Right Will Hate Whoever Is Democratic Leader Regardless

The way Republicans relentlessly go after Biden now shows you ,

They don't care if the Democrat leader is black, a woman, or anything. They will automaticaly hate whoever is the head of the Democratic party just on instinct..

Hillary was hated by Republicans not because she was a woman, they can field women candidates. Obama was hated not because he was black, because Republicans will vote for black Republican candidates if given the chance like Byron Donalds.

But try to give women access to contraception and abortion? Try to expand healthcare? There's no greater evil than that, now you got a problem! Now you've REALLY upset people!


Biden belongs in a Nursing Home not the White House. The World is on fire due to his lack of leadership and only doing what the far left wing of his party tells him to do. The Problem with Democratic Women being President is they lead by emotion not logic & reason. They don't care about the well being of the people who didnt vote for them. They hate men and they'd look us up in the Camps if they could.


Yeah?? And the Left will hate whomever the Republican Leader is regardless. Now what?? See what I did there 🙄


Democrats would support the Republican leader if the Republicans elected a leader who wasn't retarded and didn't have a third grade reading level like Trump, or MTG. But when the Republicans elect these sockpuppets with no brain, it's kind of hard to support them.


No.. LOL!! Simply NO. This particular Democrat Party which is a Communist Democrat Party will never ever support a Republican Leader


Fuck off chumbawampa you trolling tool.


Sorry I'm not part of the bro-tarded Andrew-Tate fanclub like yourself. Maybe you should "stay awhile and listen" to what I have to say.


Democrats would support a Republican if they were a Neo Con like Nikki Haley or Chris Christie. Members of the uniparty who want to keep the status quo in DC and do nothing but enrich themselves.


Democrats would support the Republican leader if the Republicans elected a leader who wasn't retarded

Can you give us an example of a Republican President that Democrats have supported? George W. Bush? George HW Bush? Ronald Reagan? Gerald Ford? Richard Nixon?


No they wouldn't


That's true. Remember the way they turned on McCain.


No republican would ever be ok with any democratic president either. So you know that door swings both ways.


True. But is that becasue we are so bitterly partisan, or is it because the standard playbook of the Left has become so... vicious, that any likely democratic president will almost by definition, be a complete asshole?


I'm going with bitterly partisan. It's not just recently you guys won't accept it. Name one democratic president throughout all of history you guys are cool with. There are none. So I don't see how it's any different than democrats who don't like Reagan or any Republican president.


JFK, Truman, Jackson, Polk. I think Polk was one of the most accomplished and underrated presidents in the history of the republic. Kennedy’s platform seems more Repub than Dem when looking with today’s lens (but then everyone wants to claim Kennedy as their own I suppose).


Those are all democratic presidents from 60+ years ago.
And Andrew Jackson was part of the old "Solid South" segregationist Demoratic Party before the Civil Rights act made the parties switch sides.... He wasn't a liberal or leftist whatsoever.
So I think we can throw Jackson off of your list.

That leaves... Kennedy, Truman, and.... Polk.
So you have disapproved of every Democrat presidential candidate since 1963.
I don't think listing JFK, Truman (both from 60+ years ago), James Polk (basically an anti-abolitionist), and Andrew Jackson of all people, proves you are bipartisan even in the slightest.

If you could name one democratic governor, president, or even mayor since the 1980s, or better yet, during your lifetime, which you actually approved of, I would be amazed. But we both know you can't do that, because you're a just another partisan hack just like the people on Fox and CNN.


Setting aside your interpretation of history, the question he asked was, “Name one democratic president throughout all of history…” I guess you will always make the winning point when you rewrite someone else’s post to make the winning point.


My reply was to YOUR post, not the previous poster.
So my post was the first post in a new line of questioning.

Being a topic on an internet forum I thought we could follow these simple tangential jumps without getting bogged down in semantics of who said what when but perhaps I am mistaken.


Because the dem playbook has become so vicious, that every dem president is by definition as complete asshole, or they wouldn't be dem presidents.


No remember I referenced all of democratic history. No republican will ever admit there was a good democratic president. It has nothing to do with recent events which is why my point stands that it's because you are bitterly partisan.


But you also dismissed someone els'e example of being too long ago.

So.... you're kind of demanding what? We celebrate our enemies that hate us and say the worst more vile lies about us?

Give me a more reasonable bar.


No I justs know that it's a game. No president would a Republican respect who was Democrat no matter the time period.

No I didn't ask you to celebrate anybody. Just don't play the game like republicans are reasonable and fair to the opposition. They are just as closed minded as the left is. You are too ignorant to get that.

My side is better. You are like a stupid elementary school kid. My toy is better than yours when in reality both are garbage.


Wait, now you say "respect"? That's completely different than not "bitterly oppose".

Both are not the same, both are not garbage.

During the Trump years, there were 400 dem riots, and ONE republican riot.

You watch vids of lefty and righty protestors...the lefty "protestors" are blocking roads and campuses, and claiming that fucking up people's lives is their "free speech" while righty protestors are trying to speak and lefty administrators and karens are trying to shut them down.


You guys are the bad guys, you guys are the assholes.


Lol nice play on words. Call it what you want. Not only do they bitterly oppose, they don't respect any opposition either.

No both are garbage.

And which president got us into a trillion dollar war that costs many lives in Iraq? Oh yeah that was Bush! Who supports the drug war which destroys many lives? Oh yeah the republicans support that. I'm not stating democrats are great by any means but republicans have their dark demons as well.

That war Bush got us into caused more damage to the country than all those riots combined.


And again, it comes back to you wanting me to agree with you on policy, which is massively moving the goal posts.

I'm willing to discuss the topic seriously and honestly.

You aren't. You are jumping all over the place to avoid that.


Nowhere did I ask you to agree with me on policy. I am showcasing that the republicans party has done terrible things that you will gladly look past. The war Bush got us into caused more deaths and damage than all the riots while Trump was in office combined. Funny you constantly cite the riots as an example that see dems are bad. However say nothing about the war Bushed cause which costs trillions of dollars and cost many lives. Cherry picking at it's finest.

No you aren't. You refuse to acknowledge when a Republican screws up. Go ahead defend the war Bush got us into.


Yes, you are. YOu present policy differences as evidence of our "lack of respect" or "bitter partisan opposition".

That's YOU not respecting legitimate differences on policy, and characterizing them as... partisaness or something.


Nope I'm going off the words you guys say about democrats. That was a lie. Don't lie please.


If you are done with the conversation because you feel you lost, just say so.


Lol nice stonewalling. So I go off your words about democrats and you bypass it? That's you knowing you lost the debate.




You're right. Unlike Democrats, Republicans don't care about gender, color, etc. Republicans just want a good leader and the Democratic party is incapable of coming up with one.


That's because Republicans are smart enough to know that it's simply Male & Female: Not 6 of 1 and a 1/2 dozen of another, that you can just make up one Gender after another and think it's Ok for biological men to use women's locker rooms & restrooms at Fitness Centers like Planet Fitness.. Sorry but this freakshow is coming to a close in 5 months


I watched the Hillary Democratic machine slander and corruptly destroy the Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard candidacies. Her racist tactics against Obama in the 2012 campaign are legendary. The way your beloved party has attacked RFK is equally as ugly. If you could show some principled behavior within the Dem party as to their own challenger-candidates, the criticism against the opposing party might carry more weight.


"Her racist tactics against Obama in the 2012 campaign are legendary."

Oh yeah, like that time she went after Obama for being black.

That was.... hmmm let me think... when did that happen... what part of the campaign....

Oh right, that never happened. You're just using the famous Republican argument/debate tactic of just pulling things out of your ass. You know, Trump's favorite tactic on the campaign trail: Shitting out of his mouth.


I was referring to these examples in Clinton’s 2008 campaign:

I made a mistake on the year she ran against Obama. But, she absolutely used racist undertones against Obama in that campaign.


she absolutely used racist undertones against Obama in that campaign.

.... you're complaining about "undertones"? So it wasn't anything specific she said, but it was her "tone"? That is a pretty weak argument.

And you're a conservative... you consider yourself a Republican? And this was the thing that upset you about Hillary Clinton? Her "tone" ?

So, you complain about the "woke mob" "cancelling" everyone, you whine about political correctness, and how you can't say what you want, blah blah blah.
Then when it comes time to criticize Hillary, you complain about her "undertones"? Her tone of voice alone was enough to trigger you? What kind of overly sensitive pathetic complaint is that?

I'm not even going to point out the obvious irony of someone who's a Trump supporter complaining about racist undertones.


Your post seems incredibly emotional about my observation. Four paragraphs of ad hominems and histrionics about things I never said. I cited left leaning media sources with identical takes about Clinton’s racist tactics against Obama in 2008 along with full elaboration.

I’m a middle of the road conservative for sure and reluctantly voted for Trump in the last two elections in the absence of the better Dem candidate. I’m teetering on a protest vote against both candidates this election but the Dems are not making it easy for me. I think you wish me to be your enemy and give some fiery rhetoric in response. In reality, I would’ve loved to vote for Gabbard in 2016 had Hillary not been such a dishonorable candidate against her own Dem competition.


Oh yeah, i'm just a histrionic and overly emotional liberal. Don't actually listen to any of my points in my above post or respond to anything I said, whatever you do. Just accuse me of being "emotional" and erratic, unstable, etc. Totally derail the conversation and avoid addressing anything I said.


I never took a personal shot at you. I talked about how your post sounded when I read it. What points can I address in what you wrote? You spent the majority of the post sarcastically ripping on me and accusing me of positions I’ve never articulated about wokeness and Clinton’s tone of voice. I gave you two sources that elaborate with specific facts and examples of her racist campaign tactics which you’ve twice ignored. If you want to talk substance, I’m game. But reading your posts, it sounds like you’re annoyed with some other conservative poster and just want to extinguish this exchange without addressing my specific examples.
