MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > LOCK HER UP ... Oh wait ...

LOCK HER UP ... Oh wait ...

That's called poetic justice!


What is?


That he came up with the phrase when he's the one more likely to be locked up instead of her.


The crowds came up with the phrase.


Oh ok. So the crowds came u with it all by themselves? Trump never once called for her to go to jail at all I guess then. I must of misheard that like 20 times. My bad.


They chanted it and he echoed them.


He also CALLED for her to go to prison many times.

Thus, poetic justice.


He echoed the crowds, nothing more.

If he called for her to go to prison "technically and officially", than show me her indictment.


obviously there no indictment because Trump was talking shit, as usual

just like theres no indictment for the rigged 2020 election or "crooked" Joe Biden or the DA behind his current "rigged" trial.


Show me where he made it an "official statement" that he was going to lock her up.

Anyone can echo others, it means nothing.


I cant , you will just dismiss it as MSM lies , no matter how many sources and citations are in the article.

but here you go:

“Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, OK? She has to go to jail,” he said in a June 2016 speech in California. “She has to go to jail,” he repeated in an October 2016 speech in Florida.

So if you can get a transcript , or video of those occasions you can use your legendary critical thinking skills to verify this.


Where does your fact checker say that his echo of what others chanted was an official statement?


oh I see , its a new tactic to reduce the bullshit and lies statistics?
discount everything thats not "an official statement" ?

or is it something else?
have you seen Skavus reply regarding "Echoing" ?

nobody understnds the point you're trying to make or what difference an "echo" makes.

To me “Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, OK? She has to go to jail,” sounds like he is "calling" for her to go to jail , regardless of wether or not its an "echo" (whatever that means)


The point is that he technically didn't call for any official arrests or imprisonment.

If he did, he would have made an "official claim" for her arrest by indicting her or attempting to arrest her, but he didn't.

He merely repeated what the crowds were chanting.

The MSM is not making that distinction because it’s being used as propaganda.


TVfan lives in a bizarre world where "echoing" is somehow not saying something. So if I repeat something that you've said, I've only "echoed" it not actually said it - thus Trump saying he didn't actually say it is true in tvfans head because he regards "echoing" someone as a completely distinct concept.


Okay so? Echoing it is still saying it.


He SAID you should lock them up. Bidens and Hillary. Right here:

No proof. Just trump being his usual dickhead self. Not sure what more you want. He SAID it, out loud, on a mic and on a camera. And now he's the one going to jail. It's poetic justice.
