MovieChat Forums > Chris Evans Discussion > Chris Evans says he ‘might have to cut t...

Chris Evans says he ‘might have to cut ties’ with Tom Brady: ‘I really hope he’s not a Trump supporter’

No Chris, you cutting ties with someone because of their political beliefs makes you a colossal douchenozzle and Brady and his 6 Super Bowl Rings could give less than two shits about your "cutting ties".


Speaking as someone who shares Evans' political views, I'm finding his intolerance rather irritating.

If he wants to be political, he should go into politics. If not, he should keep out of it and leave the two arenas that arguably shouldn't have anything to do with politics, entertainment and sport, the two realms that can potentially bind people across the political divide, politics-free.

I'm not sure how anyone who believes in unity and building bridges could possibly disagree with me, but I'm sure some fascist and instigator masquerading as a voice of reason and conscience, will find some way...


It's funny that since I posted this message, Chris Evans is now starting a supposedly 'non-partisan' political website.

Either Evans has read my message, seen the error of his ways, and rightly taken my advice about bridging the political divide (doubtful, alas), or he really is completely clueless and doesn't seem to realise what a hypocrite he is by sowing division one day, and then talking of non-partisanship the next.


I can't comment on your second post, but I agree with what you said about keeping politics out of entertainment and sports. The reach is too wide and there's no reason to divide anybody in that way. It's too prevalent in the current times.


The lucid writing and the evenhanded positions it sets forth sounds like...Malko.

He burned out fast but left us with some good reading material. Cheers, Malko, wherever you are. 🍻


It's comical how significant these idiot actors think they are.


Of course, given how his and his peers every utterance on the topic of politics sparks news reports, social media threads and outrage and message board threads (like ...say...this one) the argument can be made that they know exactly how significant they actually are.


I didn't even know they had ties. Anyway, Tom Brady is a real man, and Evans just plays one on-screen.


I like Chris but I agree. It reminds me of that scene in Angels in America when the gay Democrat found out the gay guy he was sleeping with was a republican, he beat him up. Americans and their hung ups with political party affiliates are weird.


So why are you posting this on his board if not to go after his political beliefs?


Now that I know Brady openly supports true patriots like Trump, I'm definitely going to start rooting for the Patriots!


Celebrities being against Trump is just for show - since they think it's what will make them more popular.


Yep and before the election they'd have lined up for a photo with him.




Why is he such a TDS fruitcake?

captain america, only muscles, no balls and brain :-(
