MovieChat Forums > Rudy Giuliani Discussion > Subpoenaed by House of Rep

Subpoenaed by House of Rep

He’s gotta testify about the Capitol Riots, particularly about his comments concerning election fraud


He was subpoenaed by a partisan witch hunt sham committee made up completely of members who voted to impeach Donald Trump who have flat out said that Nancy Pelosi’s role in 1/6 is “off limits” and made up their minds a long time ago that Donald Trump was responsible. They have a predetermined outcome and their only objective is to delegitimize Donald Trump. If the committee was even remotely interested in a fair process then Pelosi wouldn’t have kicked Jim Jordan and Jim Banks off.


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what was "Nancy Pelosi’s role in 1/6" ?

The only people i know about who had a role was Trump : "lets march down there "
and the trumpkins: who marched down there and smshed the place up , under the delusion that that would change the resuklt of the election


Trump requested additional security at the Capitol because he was afraid something might happen due to the Demokkkrats spending half a year normalizing rioting. She denied the security because the Demokkkrat cult was in the middle of their idiotic “defund the police” bandwagon


Also Trump clearly said March “peacefully and patriotically” the protestors who acted inappropriately clearly didn’t do what he said.


What did Americas mayor know about the bake sale, and when did he know it.

Do you think he was the one that put the velvet ropes out?


I would do what the Dems always do, answer every question with 'On the advice of counsel, I invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination and respectfully decline to answer your question'.
