MovieChat Forums > Dave Grohl Discussion > No longer the 'nicest guy in rock'.

No longer the 'nicest guy in rock'.



Because he cheated?

Eh, who cares


Rational people.


No, this is is a personal issue between him and his family.
This has absolutely nothing to do about him and his band or his profession or his body of work or how he conducts himself in the industry, his band mates, or his fans.

It's no different than getting all riled up over celebrities getting divorced.

I'd say all you dumdums getting wrapped up in the gossip (and yes, this amounts to nothing more than gossip) are actually the Irrational ones.


I barely know who he is, and don't care about his life at all. I was responding to the topic at hand. He cheated on his wife and now has a baby with another woman. That's terrible behavior.

If he wanted this to remain a personal issue, he would not have issued a public statement about it.


He was simply getting ahead of it because he knew the media would take it and run with it before he could say anything. That's the better move. Tell before you find out from someone else.

Frank Sinatra and Johnny Cash among many many others had affairs. But yes, we need to get the pitchforks out for Dave Grohl.

It's no different than your family member, or friend, neighbor, or co-worker that has an affair. It doesn't affect you as your family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker, unless the affair itself has to do with you.

Like I said, this is nothing more than gossip and you acting like I'm the Irrational one is ridiculous.
And by the way, you admitting you don't really know who he is, yet feel compelled to stick your two cents in doesn't really help your case as "the rational one"


When was he ever?


Just proves you don't know these people, no matter how much you think you do.


Dude was always an arrogant douchebag, this should surprise absolutely no one who was paying attention.


he made my sister pregnant then choked her to death.


Pics or it never happened.


Another Harris fan.

Go figure.


nd why izn`t he de nicest gui in rok?


Fk nws.


ok. butt wuy?


Nicest guy in rock! Don't make me laugh, he's always been a wank stain.


Glad i put it in quotation marks. Don't know anything about the guy.
