MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Hitler walks into a bar...

Hitler walks into a bar...

Please surprise me with your hilarious ending to this great start of a joke.


... mitzvah.


Haha . Thats a good one


He said 'ouch'.

It was an iron bar.


...and says "Ich möchte meinem guten Freund Noir ein Getränk spendieren!"


... and asks the barman for some pretzels.

"We don't sell pretzels in here" says the barman and Hitler leaves.

The next day Hitler comes back in and again asks for some pretzels.

A little more annoyed, the barman says "Look I told you yesterday, we don't sell pretzels in here!" Hitler, lowers his head and crestfallen, walks back out of the bar...

The next day Hitler returns again and unbelievably again asks for pretzels!

The infuriated barman replies "I've had enough of you! For the final time, we don't sell pretzels. If you come in here again asking for pretzels, I'm going to nail you to that wall over there!"

Hitler again walks sadly out of the bar...

The next day, he comes in again but before the barman can even open his mouth to scream at him, Hitler quick as a flash, asks him "Can I have some nails please?"

"Eh, we don't have any nails in here"

"Fine then, I'll just have some pretzels then" Hitler replies.


& says; I'm Donald Trump! Seig Heil !!!


andersonb85 (1153) 5 minutes ago
& says; I'm Donald Trump! Seig Heil !!!

*Sieg Heil!

And on his board he would probably say:
"Oh look, zillion of boring Filmboards trolls already here!" 🥱​
