MovieChat Forums > Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussion > Do You Think The CIA Will Kill Him?

Do You Think The CIA Will Kill Him?

Yes or no?

Yes from me.

You can see the concentrated corporate spin against him already and I imagine if that fails, well...

From what I've read/seen, he sounds intelligent, decent and would probably be far better than any of the current presidential contenders.


They generally don't do that anymore. They now use the media to do a character assassination.


They probably got some old hardliners who want to get a Kennedy hat trick.


A relatively short comment about the concern but it's there and you can hear him mention it on this clip with Rogan:

Can you imagine living with the thought that the government likely killed your father and your uncle, your uncle who happened to be president and your father was who running for president.

You have to give this guy credit, his balls must be enormous.
