MovieChat Forums > Noomi Rapace Discussion > Do anyone ele find her to be ugly, hot? ...

Do anyone ele find her to be ugly, hot? lol

or is it just me. She's generic, but also kinda hot . she also kinda look older than what she is.


I find her odd in a good way. She has something, almost magnetic to her that makes me like her.
She is intense.


To me a very attractive woman. In "The Drop" was her best.


She's one of those actresses if she wasn't famous and just a normal everyday woman and without all the best make up people and fashions would you give her a second look. I'd put her in the same group as Emma Stone, Keira Knightley, J.Law and Rachel McAdams, beautiful but not striking beauties that if they weren't famous would make you turn you're head on the street.

I think she's at her hottest when she has longer dark hair and not trying to hard to be hipster and act younger then she is lol, Passion (2012) is probably the film she was the hottest in for me. She's no way ugly, I think she's helps that she's charismatic and clearly has a ton of confidence in herself. Which makes her hot in a way.


Agreed, makes sense


Tilda Swinton is her sort of peer in this regard. Tall and lean in a way that gives them both a lot of dramatic ability to become “ordinary” people.


I loved her in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows but I do not think she is attractive at all.


Only ever saw her in "The Drop" and she is so good looking in that.


She can play homely and hot and be at home in either role. That's impressive!

Loved her in the NETFLIX movie What Happened to Monday.


She's a good looking Woman...sort of unique looking though, so I know what you mean. I imagine it's the fact she's Half-Swedish and Half-Spanish. Not the most exotic blend in the world but the way it's expressed itself in her is quite interesting.

Great actress! I enjoyed her perfomances in Prometheus & Lamb.


I find her quite hot


Quite hot, and the last word I would use to describe Noomi is "generic".


last word I would use to describe Noomi is "generic".

Yeh, not in the least generic


Agreed. She can play all kinds of looks. I think she's attractive, and can be very sexy. Some of that is looks, some of that is talent. But the last thing I would describe her as is "generic". That's just nonsense.
