MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > "it was becoming way too detrimental for...

"it was becoming way too detrimental for my mental health to wear feminine clothing"

"Page said it was during the press tour for Inception -- on the Paris leg of the campaign -- that the actor's manager surprised him with three dress options after he already had one selected. "And I just like, I like, I lost it," Page said. "It was like a cinematic moment, you know, the kind of like thing that would be in a movie… And that night, after the premiere, and at the after-party, I collapsed and that was something that's happened frequently in my life, usually corresponding with a panic attack."

She had a nervous breakdown because she was asked to wear a dress? I'm sorry, how isn't this mental illness again? That's not a rhetorical question. If you support this. tell me how this isn't in her head.


Imagine the nervous breakdown and the panic attack that YOU, a privileged male, would have if asked to wear a dress. Right?

:D :D :D


[–] asom (1439) a day ago

Imagine the nervous breakdown and the panic attack that YOU, a privileged male, would have if asked to wear a dress. Right?

Well, men have ACTUAL balls (not the imaginary kind like Ellen) to stand firm and refuse to wear something they were ASKED to. Her manager didn't force her into the dress.

As for this "privileged male" shite, most western women live cushy and liberated lives compared to the women and girls in the Middle East. Are you forced into marriage at 12? Do you have to walk 25 miles a day for clean water? Do you face being stoned to death for falling in love with the wrong person? No. So STFU with all of this ridiculous privileged male nonsense.


I suggest you check the batteries for your sarcasm detector.

Or buy one, they are quite cheap ...


The problem is that your sarcasm is reality. In the written word there needs to be a more explicit hint of absurdity. What you stated is how many nutjobs today actually feel and are not shy about saying so.


what privilege?


Elliot is white and rich. I guess we can officially call him a priviledged male, right?


Of course ... and even worse: the oppressor since now "he" will most likely steal roles from "his" female peers ...


Unless she is one of the bigger unhinged Drama Queens in the history of show business methinks the lady doth protest too much...


What lady? Their pronouns are he/they.


Just checking, but you do know that line is applicable regardless if someone is male or female?


The phrase "mental health" is the key here. She suffers from a mental health problem, and needs treatment, not affirmation.


True, but in today's Clown World, she won't get the help she needs. She'll be paraded around by the media and used as a token in which to convince other young boys and girls to ruin their lives with hormone pills during their pubescent years and life-ruining surgeries.


Her legs arent wide enough for the flesh needed to make her penis. Sad.


true..... she is just sick.

she should get help, be helped.
instead she is being pushed over the edge. sad really




You know no one takes you seriously, right?




You know that it's pretty sad that a bunch of people claim to be a bunch of experts on the mental health of someone they've never met, and something they don't understand. May try exerting the same effort that you do in making fun of someone into trying to be kind and making the world a better place.


She had an anxiety attack or nervous breakdown at the thought of wearing a dress. You cannot tell me that isn't a person with problems.



Say it is all in his head? So what? How does it impact you? I keep hearing that it's a mental illness. Well if it is, would you treat someone with other mental illnesses like that? I find it interesting that everyone on this board seems to be an expert on what is or isn't a mental illness. Do you know the difference between gender dysphoria, gender incongruence, or body dysmorphic disorder? Not all trans individuals have gender dysphoria. Do you know which ones? What is the treatment for any of these conditions? Oh I know, continual mocking from anonymous posters on the internet. That'll fix them for sure.


I'm not "saying" it's all in their head, IT IS all in their head. Ellen Page is not a man. She thinks she is, but she is not a man. This is basic science and common sense. I know it and you do too.

How does it impact others? Stop. I'm sick of you people pretending stuff like this isn't becoming more prevalent:

This directly impacts others and people like you condone it because you think it's too mean to tell these people no. Pure madness.


It has nothing to do with being mean.

I am asking who you are to say that it is madness? Google searches do not an expert make. You are sick of people like me who condone kindness??? That's all I'm asking for. A little bit of kindness. Just because more people are coming out and feeling free to express who they are, doesn't mean that statistically it is more prevalent.

You do not understand transgenderism. You can say that you do, but unless you are experiencing it, you don't. I don't understand it. I wouldn't even know where to start understanding something like that. I think it's madness that you think that you are qualified to say what is and what isn't factual. I asked you if you could tell me the difference between different conditions that may or may not lead someone to be trans. You brushed me off and shared stories about whether or not trans athletes should be able to compete?? Not the point of this conversation, and even if it were, that's not my area of expertise, nor is it yours.

I don't know that Elliot isn't a man. Just because you think that you understand that sex and gender are the same thing doesn't mean that I do.


Men beating up women and calling it fair play is the definition of madness.


What does that have to do with Elliot Page?


Page is trans, you fucking idiot.


Page is a trans man. What does that have to do with a trans woman MMA fighter?


Also, I have not called you any names, I have not insulted you. I will ask that you extend the same courtesy to me.


You think Ellen is a man, if I wanna call you an idiot, I will.


No, I think that Elliot is a trans man. There's a difference.

Since you cannot conduct yourself in a manner that is not insulting to someone who does not see eye to eye with you, I'm done here.


Trans men aren't men then?





Cherry Coke is Coke with some cherry juice or extract pumped into it. Elliot Page is a woman who cut off her tits and takes pills to make herself a "man", but sure. Totally the same as a naturally born man. Great comparison.




You compared two flavors of the same soda to a man vs trans man (woman) - you HAD NO POINT.






A mental illness is generally defined as a condition of the mind that causes immense personal distress and/or hinders basic functioning. Being so unhappy with the body you were born in that you’re willing to chemically and physically alter it without a doubt constitutes mental illness. A person born with XX chromosomes is not a man. Having stereotypically male traits does not make a woman a man. No one fits their gender’s stereotype 100%. It doesn’t change what they are and claiming that it does is regressive.

People who preach about ‘kindness’ are the same as evangelicals who preach about family values. Sanctimonious hypocrites who no one should take seriously.


I will ask what your area of expertise is so that you may give a definitive diagnosis to someone you've never met.

I have never said that isn't a mental illness. I'm asking those who are sure that they know exactly what is wrong with trans individuals to share more than a news article. What is the treatment for this illness? Why do doctors, who have the expertise help people transition?

As far as I know, no one on this board is an expert. Since we aren't, there is no need to disparage individuals who may or may not be suffering. If you believe that it is a mental illness, than why be so cruel?

Please show me where I am a sanctimonious hypocrite? Asking people to be kind is not preaching. I have always tried to treat everyone on this board with kindness. Sometimes I fail. I surely do, and usually when I do fail, I admit it and apologize. I'm not perfect. When people start calling me names I can lose my cool just like everyone else.


"I will ask what your area of expertise is so that you may give a definitive diagnosis to someone you've never met. "

Are you a mental illness expert? Have you ever met her? Sit down, hypocrite.


Please point out to me where I have stated that I know that Elliot has as a mental illness or not. I have said repeatedly that I don't know. That I don't understand, could never understand. I have said that we shouldn't disparage trans people, or arm chair diagnose them. If, and I say if, because I don't know if it's a mental illness, a physiological anomaly, hormonal issue, or anything else, but if it is a mental illness, then I think it's awful to make horrible comments.

I will also answer your other question, and then I will not be responding anymore, as you still cannot converse with decorum.

I think that saying trans "man" shows that I think that Elliot is a man. Just like I think Brad Pitt would be a Cis man. They are both men.


"I think that saying trans "man" shows that I think that Elliot is a man. Just like I think Brad Pitt would be a Cis man. They are both men."



I get what you're saying, and somewhat agree, but that consideration needs to go both ways. Ellen shouldn't expect me to accept her false science. Ellen shouldn't expect me to pretend she's now a man, nor should the rest of society. I believe in biology. Science is how I express myself. So, she can feel free to play at whatever she wants, but the expectation for others to do the same is where hypocrisy comes into play.


So don't mention him at all.


Can you really not see the hypocrisy in that sentiment? The same could be said of Ellen. She can identify as she wants, but she should keep it to herself. I wouldn't mention her if she hadn't made the declaration. Every coin has 2 sides, or does that only matter when you agree with how the coin flipped?




He came out, then he did an interview. That's all I've seen. This board has been trending daily for months. I don't think Elliot talks about his transition as much as people here do.

If he didn't come out and make his declaration, you all would still be talking about it when credits were changed and when his name changed his page.

Is it that you would have just preferred that he lived the rest of his life in pain pretending to be someone he wasn't for your comfort?

Again, I have no idea what it feels like, but the person who I know who has transitioned to male, who is not famous, and did not do it for attention at all, told me that everyday they pretended to be a girl hurt, and they were suicidal. Now he keeps to himself, and is just a much happier person. None of it had any impact on me other for the first little bit getting his name right. Again, it impacted my life in such a little way, why would I care? Why do you care? Where is the hypocrisy in just caring about someone? What he did was in between him and his healthcare providers, who are experts on this topic. It wasn't between me and him and the articles I googled on it.


You must be joking? She's talked about this non stop. She JUST dId a topless photo for People showing the chopped off tits. Yeah, she's made a spectacle of it, and not everyone agrees. If you put something out publicly, expect a public reply. You say it had no impact on you, but here you are championing this choice over and over. Also, this person has WAY more of a platform to get her opinion heard, but I don't want her opinion to feel normal to my kid, because I don't agree with it. Your hypocrisy comes from telling me not to comment on it, yet its ok if a celebrity uses their widely larger exposure to comment on their side. That's hypocrisy.


I'm not championing anything. I'm just asking everyone who comments that they are the experts in regards to this topic just really show how they "know" that transgender for Elliot is just a phase or something for attention. How do they "know" that it's not real. Google searches do not an expert make. There have been many arguments that he is just mentally ill and we shouldn't humour him, yet no one can tell me an accepted treatment for whichever illness he has. Nor can anyone explain the differences between the different conditions which have a relation to transgenderism. If the global medical community isn't condemning it, why should I? I'm fine with them looking into it and getting more studies done and trying to understand the why. Research by those who know what they are looking for is always welcome, but until they tell me otherwise, there is nothing wrong with Elliot and I will respect what he wishes to be called. If he wished to go back to Ellen tomorrow, I'd be fine with that too as it does not affect me.

Also, if it is so proven that it is just a mental illness, do you show the same disgust to any other celebrity that comes out as bi polar, or suffering from ptsd, or hell, cancer or MS?

Probably not. If a person wants to raise the ire of the moviechat crowd, just come out as trans or have a metoo story.


When have I said its a mental illness?


You are commenting on a thread where I have stated my opinion on the mental illness aspect and you commented that it was false science. So again, until the consensus in the medical and scientific community say it's false, my previous statement is the same.


Well, that was out of nowhere in regards to our back and forth conversation that never touched on mental illness, but I'll play along for a second. Biologically, it is false science, unless you can show me something that says I'm wrong. See, what you've done is completely shift our discussion in another direction, because I painted you in a logical corner regarding having an alternative opinion, which is what we were talking about from the very beginning. That's when you need to look at the situation and decide if you're arguing to be right, or correct, which aren't necessarily the same. I'm guessing at the dramatic shift in topic means you only want to be right, rather than correct, and I don't have time for those games.


No I'm honestly just having a hard time keeping track of who has said what.

In response to what you have said about the biology of it all, how is it false science? Not in our conversation, I have said often that I am not an expert. I know what I have read and that is all. I do not know enough about the biology of a trans person to know if there is something different in the brain structure. That is why I said that until there is a medical or scientific consensus I will accept trans people as they are. What about the physiology of it? If you are based in science, which I do appreciate, show the science. I can google, but that does not make me an expert.

How can I converse to be correct when I've said over and over again that I don't have the answers? All I'm saying is that Ellen becoming Elliot has no impact on my life, nor should it impact your, or your child's life.

You are right about one thing. This conversation is over.


So, if someone claims to be Napoleon, and demands I call them General, I should not judge their mental health? Sure, if we are at a costume party but in everyday life and they are serious ... that person is mentally ill.


If you were being an ass to that person who thought they were Napoleon I'd say the same thing. Treat them with kindness, or at least some empathy. Again, if you'd read anything of what I've said, I don't know if it's a mental illness or a physiological anomaly, or a glitch in the matrix. All I'm saying is that the comments towards Elliot Page are just cruel. If you believe that it is a mental illness, then why is it okay to make such rude comments? (I'm not saying that you are making them but this board is full of them as I don't know what you've said). Would you make such rude comments if they were bi polar? Suffered from depression?

Again, if it is just a mental illness, and there is no treatment for it, what does making that person's life miserable accomplish? If there was a pill or something, great, but there isn't. So why not allow an individual to live in a way that makes them happy. What harm does it do other than making some people uncomfortable?


So how's that jock strap feel? Pretty good?


would he wear the puffy shirt from seinfeld?
