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I just read that on Yahoo. I have no idea why she said that. It was really dumb and unprofessional to say that only "trashy and black people win awards'.

However, I really doubt she is racist and was just trying to criticize the Academy Awards.


...and failing miserably at it. Then again, to even be nominated for an Oscar you have to at least display some acting talent. That's why she's really so mad.


Well... shes right.


Why would you think that ?

She was refering to how low the chances of black people is to ever get one of those "Academy Awards".

Also, I said it before and I will say it again: I dont give a damn about the Oscars because for me its interesting which movies are fun to watch, not if there have been any awards.

Oscar movies are usually not the interesting movies. For example, Galaxy Quest is maybe the funniest movie ever and has absolutely awesome acting, too. There was no chance in hell for it to get an Oscar, though. Its a comedy. About Star Trek. People have FUN watching it. Just forget it.

And the idea that there is exactly one movie every year thats really great is completely riddiculous anyway. Some years have plenty of great movies. Other years have none. Thats how it is.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


re: Then again, to even be nominated for an Oscar you have to at least display some acting talent. That's why she's really so mad.

I've just returned from seeing Machete Kills and as lovely/hot as Ms. Rodriguez is, SHE CANNOT ACT TO SAVE HER LIFE. In fact, she has a [SLIGHT SPOILER] fight scene with Amber Heard, who is also very pretty but a s*** actress.


re: "trashy and black people win awards''.

If a white actor said that, people would be trashing him/her BIG-TIME and want their head on a stick and to boycott his/her movies. A Latina says it, no big outcry (except on imdb, of course).


Maybe that's because the white man hasn't suffered decades of racism and ignorance in the entertainment industry .
