"trashy and black people win awards''.

If a white actor said that, people would be trashing him/her BIG-TIME and want their head on a stick and to boycott his/her movies. A Latina says it, no big outcry (except on imdb, of course).

She has acted in Tropico de Sangre, but I'm sure you have no interest in watching it.

Her acting in Machete Kills was not her fault it was the directors for not demanding it from her. There are movies where Michelle is used properly as an actress by the director and you can clearly see the difference. She has ADD so it probably is hard to get her to do her lines, but when you get a director that can work with her it is amazing.
I love Machete Kills because it has most of my favorite women in the same movie, but there is tons of bad acting from everyone in the movie. Sophia Vergara's voice almost made that movie unwatchable. I have seen Sophia in movies before and I enjoyed them (probably because this was before the big wigs told her to really go overboard with her accent.) Vanessa Hudgens was beautiful in that helicopter scene. Again another one of my favorite actresses, her whole part was bad because of the acting. She was really unbelievable in her role. In fact I will go on a whim and say the only good acting was done by Walton Goggins, Lady Gaga and possibly Mel Gibson. The acting was so bad that I'm not sure if it was intended to be that way or if it was rushed.
