Major Gay Vibes

I have a pretty keen gaydar and whenever I watch JRE it goes wee woo wee woo wee woo

Not that it matters, but if you've seen the show then you've seen how unnatural it sounds whenever he talks about hot women and how excited he gets when he talks about manly men. There is also a Freudian slip moment in one episode where he's talking about porno plots and his off the cuff example is "one guy is a milkman the other guy is..." then he catches himself

I couldn't find it on Youtube, but here it is on reddit:

Not that it matters what he's into, but I want him to know that I know


That's not technically a Freudian slip. He just realizes midway through sentence that he's revealed too much about the gay porn he watches.


A Liberacian slip


Gaydar? Is that when you dick goes 12 o'clock?


A guy who's gone heavy on the steroids and HGH, so much so that he's drastically changed his appearance, is hiding his hankering for dick? The world has never seen a story like this, prior to JR


i totally buy that rogan has closeted homosexual urges. ive met many psuedo-intellectual alpha males like him who eventually went gay, or had gay accusations start about them. they reminded me alot of joe. it's this concept that you have to keep trying to prove how alpha you are, and you have to keep topping yourself over and over and over again as a reminder of your alphaness.


If you want him to know, you should stalk his house - not post here. I dunno - hire an airplane with a sign?
Do your thing!


I saw that episode. If I remember correctly, they were talking about how crazy porn is these days and making up ridiculous porn scenarios. It was two comics making a joke.

I can see how with that clip edited the way it is, and without context someone would draw other conclusions. If the maker of the video had wanted the viewer to know what they were really talking about they would have showed the lead up.


Men who obsess about masculinity in our culture are usually always closeted.


By definition Rogan isn't really an Alpha (i hate the whole Alpha Beta thing btw)

But by his own admission he was bullied as a kid and had to learn to fight, he's also a bit insecure if someone hits a nerve, a true Alph.a doesn't give a shit and is quietly confident in themselves not desperate to prove themselves.

He's one of the new breed who have read books on how to lead or how to be an Alpha or some bollocks like that it's totally artificial


He doesn't obsess about masculinity. What makes you think he does?
