MovieChat Forums > Joe Rogan Discussion > Another trending pic I hate.

Another trending pic I hate.

Not for anything he's said. I don't think I've ever heard the blowhard.

It's just that phony forced toothy smile. Yuck.


Calling him a blowhard, while pretending not to have heard anything from him. 🤣


Are you a fan of Rogan? Tell me what's so great about him?


If you've never listened to him, why call him a blowhard?


He has a rep as a blowhard. He looks like a blowhard. Everything I hear that he's said sounds blowhardish.


So you've formed a strong opinion on nothing but hearsay? Is that how you form most of your opinions in life? I think you'll find that experiencing something first hand is a much better way to evaluate something, rather than simply being a sheep following the heard. Incidentally, nobody that's actually listened to a few episodes of Joe Rogan would ever come to the conclusion that he is a "blowhard". He is an extremely mild mannered interviewer. He doesn't talk over his guests. And probably the thing that would surprise most of his naysayers, is that he's extremely liberal on most subjects. That's the problem with getting information from echo chambers like twitter and reddit. It's a bunch of losers repeating what someone else told them, that was told to them by some other loser that didn't have first hand experience themselves.


He's an anti-vaxxer, right?

Dude, I don't have to listen to one of Biden's speeches to know he's a senile old coot.

Since when do we need first hand experience from any of these guys to form an opinion on them? There's plenty of third party sources.


No, he's not an anti vaxxer. And you sound like a very young fool with that mentality. If you're content being a sheep, you deserve to be eaten by the wolves.


Lol. I'm skeptical of big pharma, globalist regulation and the vaxx myself. I'm just saying Rogan is outré.


Indeed he is,but I certainly don't see that as a bad thing. It's probably why he's the most listened to interviewer on the planet. I like that he is willing to talk on any subject, but he loses me when the talk of aliens, Bigfoot and the like gets too serious. Curious though, how can you come to the conclusion that he's "outré" if you've never listened to him?


Surprised at this take Onan. I’ve always read you as pretty open minded. Rogan covers many subjects and I’ve always found him very positive and willing to talk reasonable with people from all different perspectives. Here’s a good example in a YouTube short of the type of perspective he brings


Do you know who he was talking to in this?


Okay, I'll give him another look. I admit I was being presumptive.


Being anti covid "vaccine" doesn't make one anti-vaccine.


And Joe isn't even anti covid vax, he's just said it might not be the only defense against the virus, and that the average person probably doesn't need it if they aren't older or have underlying conditions.


It is a horrible picture. Ugh.


it is. Joe would most likely agree, and think it's hilarious that it's the one being used, and insist it stay the same.


Lol, it is funny and I hope it does too! 🤣


Why do they continue to have this decades-old image of this douche?




IMDb purposely post old and less than attractive pictures of people on their pages to force them to pay for “pro” or whatever where the image can be changed. It’s obviously that he could care less.


lolwut? Weird theory.


Yep. An IMDb pro account must be subscribed to in order to change the automatically tagged image. It’s not a coincidence that all the auto tagged images are unflattering.

Follow the money. 😀


He seems more passive and laid back in his interviews, unless it's about weed and then maybe he could be considered a blowhard.


I'm not a Rogan fan but that's called a 'funny face'. Some people have a sense of humor. How is he a blowhard? He seems pretty laid back.


There is a pretty big difference between young Joe Rogan, and older Joe Rogan. He used to be loud and obnoxious as part of his schtick. Nowadays he’s more like an older pot head. He’s more laid back and chill, and a deep thinker.
